The Meaning Behind The Song: F64 by Ed Sheeran

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Listening to a song can often evoke powerful emotions and bring back memories of significant moments in our lives. For me, Ed Sheeran’s “F64” holds a special place in my heart as it deals with themes of loss, grief, and the unbreakable bond between friends. The lyrics of this song beautifully capture the pain and longing felt after the passing of a loved one.

In “F64,” Ed Sheeran addresses his friend Jamal, reminiscing about their shared experiences and the profound impact he had on his life. The song begins with a heartfelt acknowledgment of the difficulty Ed faced in returning to the recording booth since Jamal’s passing. Becoming a father added a layer of complexity to his emotions, as all he wanted to do was talk about Jamal, but the tears would not let him. The feelings of loss are evident as he recalls the therapy sessions and his struggle with depression.

The chorus of the song expresses the enduring pain and the void left by Jamal’s absence. Ed Sheeran candidly admits that even though he has his sister and mother by his side, the pain of losing his friend still lingers. The image of shedding tears in his cup emphasizes the depth of sorrow he feels.

As the song progresses into the second verse, Ed Sheeran reflects on the immediate aftermath of Jamal’s passing. He describes the car ride to the funeral, the time spent with Jamal’s mother, and the continued presence of pain in his heart even after a year. Their connection is described as a brotherhood, with people assuming they were lovers due to their deep bond.

Ed Sheeran reminisces about the moments and experiences shared with Jamal, from battle rapping to traveling and clubbing, no one else truly understood their connection. He highlights Jamal’s selflessness, always going the extra mile for others without expecting anything in return. Their friendship was built on trust, love, and a shared passion for music.

The heart-wrenching lines of the song reveal the struggle Ed Sheeran faces in accepting Jamal’s departure. Despite praying for answers and seeking solace, he remains unable to understand why his friend was taken from him. He concludes the song by expressing his eternal love and admiration for Jamal and promises to keep his legacy alive.

Ed Sheeran’s “F64” is a poignant tribute to his dear friend Jamal Edwards, expressing the pain and longing he feels after his passing. The lyrics capture the complexity of grief, the enduring bond between friends, and the void left by their absence. The song serves as a reminder to cherish and celebrate the connections we have with our loved ones, as we never know when we may have to say goodbye.

Listening to this song allows me to reflect on my own experiences with loss and reminds me to cherish the precious moments I have with my friends and family. It serves as a cathartic release for the emotions that can sometimes be difficult to express. The heartfelt lyrics and Ed Sheeran’s emotive delivery make “F64” a truly powerful and meaningful piece of music.

Although the pain of losing someone dear may never truly go away, songs like “F64” by Ed Sheeran provide solace and a reminder that we are not alone in our grief. This song serves as a tribute to Jamal, honoring his memory and the impact he had on Ed Sheeran’s life.
