Nashville School Shooting, Part 2

May 2024 · 120 minute read

We're almost at 600 posts in the original thread.

Here's the link to Part 1:

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by Anonymousreply 600March 29, 2023 6:31 AM

Another bloody murder day in America, Sad...

by Anonymousreply 1March 28, 2023 2:05 AM

There's no correlation between transsexualism and violence. Transsexuals are very passive.

by Anonymousreply 2March 28, 2023 2:13 AM

[quote] No one is safe

from autistic over medicated trannys

by Anonymousreply 3March 28, 2023 2:15 AM

The guns are the problem. No affordable mental health services are the problem.

by Anonymousreply 4March 28, 2023 2:16 AM

Of course the associated church is homophobic.

This statement is from the Covenant Presbyterian Church in Florida, which is associated with the church in Nashville where the tragedy occurred.

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by Anonymousreply 5March 28, 2023 2:18 AM

I've been sounding the alarm about these Zillennial microgenerational Tumblr-raised fake adults for years. I speak from experience as a young Millennial myself. I've watched this exact type of human have literal mental breakdowns in college classrooms over subject matter and have temper tantrums in the workplace. Add in the hostile environment women go through with pressures to take high doses of testosterone, it's no wonder this thing wound up crazy enough to shoot up children.

The big issue is how the LGB will be blamed for all of this.

by Anonymousreply 6March 28, 2023 2:24 AM

R2 Transgender on the other hand...

by Anonymousreply 7March 28, 2023 2:24 AM

R5, go back and read the posts on Part 1 of this thread.

Posts 394 and 405.

This topic was already covered and you are incorrect.

by Anonymousreply 8March 28, 2023 2:25 AM

R6 who is pushing testosterone at women?

by Anonymousreply 9March 28, 2023 2:27 AM

R8, the pastor was the former pastor at a PCA church in Dallas.

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by Anonymousreply 11March 28, 2023 2:31 AM


by Anonymousreply 12March 28, 2023 2:31 AM

I couldn't wait to get home to see what you bitches were saying.

DL has been a bit dull lately. Murderous Tranny With Two Deadnames and a Gun has perked things up!

by Anonymousreply 13March 28, 2023 2:31 AM

NYT: must... not... mention... they're trans

Vegetarian... Rueben... Sandwich...

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by Anonymousreply 15March 28, 2023 2:36 AM

R8, you are incorrect. The church IS PCA.

by Anonymousreply 17March 28, 2023 2:41 AM

The shooter was an autistic FTM cliche. The black and white mindset of autism, the belief s/he was being targeted by a LITERAL TRANS GENOCIDE, the frustration from gay men not being into this person's female body, the rage against reality.

by Anonymousreply 18March 28, 2023 2:45 AM

GUNS are the issue, not trans.

by Anonymousreply 19March 28, 2023 2:46 AM

Transvestites weren't killers in my day.

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by Anonymousreply 20March 28, 2023 2:48 AM

Trans are ALWAYS the issue r19

by Anonymousreply 21March 28, 2023 2:48 AM

She is actually not a terrible looking girl and she looked 100% female, she didn't even give herself a butch haircut (not excessively). Is she just an autistic girl who is calling herself "he". That's what I am getting from the parents. It looks like she was living a gay male persona on reddit, giving other gays advice on Prep, etc.

I think what's most interesting is that a bio-female who was a pretty femme "he" would target small children. These kids are under 6th grade. I guess we are seeing even more "cis straight women" killing their own kids lately.

by Anonymousreply 22March 28, 2023 2:50 AM

[quote]Trans are ALWAYS the issue [R19]

Only to idiots

by Anonymousreply 23March 28, 2023 2:50 AM

Pyles, a transgender woman, went back into her apartment and waited for police to take her into custody, neighbors said. Responding officers found her sitting on her couch.

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by Anonymousreply 24March 28, 2023 2:51 AM

What’s “PCA”, precious? What’s “PCA”?

by Anonymousreply 25March 28, 2023 2:53 AM

R16, why did you link to Part 1 when OP already did that?

by Anonymousreply 26March 28, 2023 2:53 AM

I'd assume the testosterone was likely a defining factor in such atypical violence from a bio female.

by Anonymousreply 27March 28, 2023 2:53 AM

The irony of some posters here complaining that the media will make this shooting all about trans. Then what do they do? Make this shooting all about trans.

by Anonymousreply 28March 28, 2023 2:54 AM

R18, I wonder if her black-and-white mindset manifested as 'Men are violent, therefore to be a man I must be violent, too.'

It reminds me a bit of Lou Sullivan, an FTM who had sex with gay/bi men, then got AIDS and died. He wrote: "I took a certain pleasure in informing the gender clinic that even though their program told me I could not live as a Gay man, it looks like I'm going to die like one."

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by Anonymousreply 29March 28, 2023 2:55 AM

Rescue-chick, on the other thread you posted

[quote]the reddit account that is believed to be hers has her as having been raped, having an eating disorder, tested for autism, the full TiF bingo card.

What is "TifF"? And why are you making light of rape, eating disorders, and autism by calling them part of a bingo card? Those are serious things and not jokes.

by Anonymousreply 30March 28, 2023 2:55 AM

r26, I didn't see that in the OP. My bad.

by Anonymousreply 31March 28, 2023 2:56 AM

[quote] And why are you making light of rape, eating disorders, and autism by calling them part of a bingo card? Those are serious things and not jokes.

R30 is autistic

by Anonymousreply 32March 28, 2023 2:57 AM

The climate of radicalisation will also be a factor. It's a very common perspective now in online trans communities that they're all about to be sent to the gas chamber by a genocidal Nazi society. If people really, truly believe that kind of Internet hyperbole then they can be capable of extreme action.

by Anonymousreply 33March 28, 2023 2:58 AM

Person killed little kids and employees at his former Christian Private School The children killed were underaged 9. Investigators know this was a planned attack at this christian private school. The shooter (hale) is dead, shot by police. Hale was armed with three guns, including a semi-automatic rifle, and was shot dead by police.

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by Anonymousreply 34March 28, 2023 2:58 AM

R30: TiF means "Trans identified female", ie a transman, or female to male transgender. That poster wasn't laughing about rape or eating disorders. They are making a flippant comment about how so many FTMs have these conditions and experiences in their pasts it's almost 100% expected.

by Anonymousreply 35March 28, 2023 3:02 AM

Twitter really is a cesspool of radicalism/brainwashing turned militants from the right and the left. I remember the trans ideology was just niche thing on tumblr and they were mostly bored middle class college/high school kids who wanted to be feel different and were writing essays and creating fanwars on their fave tv/film ships and then it grew into something bigger when twitter got popular and the ideology spread and it got influenced by blue checks who was brainwash by these ideologies.

by Anonymousreply 36March 28, 2023 3:02 AM

The only way we are going to resolve this is to compromise. You'll never be able to cure all the mentally ill and Americans won't get rid of all their guns. I know everyone will say, the red won't compromise. Eventually we have to say enough is enough. Let people keep a handgun for self defense and a single load rifle for hunting. There - the constitution is covered and we drastically reduce the capabilities. I know now all republicans are lunatics (sheer math). This country is in dire need of a sit down vs. a segregate.

by Anonymousreply 37March 28, 2023 3:03 AM

R37 - Just some sane, common sense gun laws such as the 3 day waiting period would make a huge difference. How is a three day waiting period considered 'stepping on mah rights"

by Anonymousreply 38March 28, 2023 3:07 AM

Hi Gollum at R25.

PCA are evangelicals and VERY conservative.

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by Anonymousreply 39March 28, 2023 3:07 AM

Thanks r35. A flippant comment about rape, eating disorders and autism still isn't funny. And neither are harmful generalizations.

by Anonymousreply 40March 28, 2023 3:11 AM

[quote][R30] is autistic

Was that supposed to be witty repartee?


by Anonymousreply 41March 28, 2023 3:15 AM

I imagine DL going into Primetime until this incident blows over. I feel it in my spirit.

by Anonymousreply 42March 28, 2023 3:19 AM

It's the war weapons that need to be banned.

by Anonymousreply 43March 28, 2023 3:22 AM

Too many mentally ill people can get automatic weapons. That’s the main issue.

by Anonymousreply 44March 28, 2023 3:24 AM

The troll in this thread refusing to let people criticize current trans cultural ideas without "no ur wrong": back to Twitter blue with you.

by Anonymousreply 45March 28, 2023 3:25 AM

BBC report - we ought to be ashamed.

The mother of one pupil at the school said her son had been left traumatised by the shooting.

"I think he's doing better now that he knows that the shooter is dead," Shaundelle Brooks told BBC News.

"These are conversations we shouldn't be having," she added. "We're failing our children." The attack was America's 129th mass shooting of 2023, according to Gun Violence Archive, a non-profit that tracks gun violence data.

According to data compiled by Education Week, there have been 12 school shootings that have resulted in deaths or injuries in the US this year up until the end of last week.

by Anonymousreply 46March 28, 2023 3:26 AM

[R40] How connected are you to the identity of this individual?

by Anonymousreply 47March 28, 2023 3:26 AM

We were heading toward a good understanding of the difference between tolerance and acceptance for the LGBT community until online radicalism took over spaces that mainly young people frequented. Now we're left with loud radical "accept me or die" "questions are literal violence" and the general public is tired of it. LGB are pulled into the T violence.

by Anonymousreply 48March 28, 2023 3:30 AM

[R40] Generalizations aren't the problem here. There's a pattern of behavior and statistics. Would you argue that it's a harmful generalization that most school shooters are white loner-type men? There's a reason entire fields of forensics and psychology study criminal patterns and connections.

by Anonymousreply 49March 28, 2023 3:32 AM

[quote]Is this going to be like the Colorado shooter where self ID doesn't apply because reasons.

People who say “because reasons” should be doused with lighter fluid and then set on fire

by Anonymousreply 50March 28, 2023 3:34 AM

Still not a word about this on PinkNews or

by Anonymousreply 51March 28, 2023 3:36 AM

R51 Queer, Inc. would not approve

by Anonymousreply 52March 28, 2023 3:37 AM

[quote][[R40]] Generalizations aren't the problem here. There's a pattern of behavior and statistics. Would you argue that it's a harmful generalization that most school shooters are white loner-type men? There's a reason entire fields of forensics and psychology study criminal patterns and connections.

The majority of mass shooters are white men. That's not a generalization. Saying FTM trans persons are all autistic, sexual assault victims with eating disorders and mental health problems is a generalization unless you can back it up with data.

Show us the data.

by Anonymousreply 53March 28, 2023 3:38 AM

Peter Bogdanovich's disturbing first movie, Targets, is 55 years old and still, unfortunately, pertinent to the times.

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by Anonymousreply 54March 28, 2023 3:40 AM

[quote][[R40]] How connected are you to the identity of this individual?

As connected to them as you are. Are you allowed to have an opinion on the matter but I'm not?

by Anonymousreply 55March 28, 2023 3:40 AM

*ALL* of the mass shootings have only *one* thing in common...guns.

by Anonymousreply 56March 28, 2023 3:43 AM

R54 - Peter Bogdanovich, Roger Corman, & Boris Karloff?

by Anonymousreply 57March 28, 2023 3:46 AM

[quote] The majority of mass shooters are white men

Study the problem more carefully. Time marches on

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by Anonymousreply 58March 28, 2023 3:51 AM

So, it was a lady tranny who wanted to be a man?

by Anonymousreply 59March 28, 2023 3:52 AM

[quote]Too many mentally ill people can get automatic weapons.

No one can get automatic weapons, bb.

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by Anonymousreply 60March 28, 2023 3:57 AM

We need to read the trannifesto!

by Anonymousreply 61March 28, 2023 4:10 AM

So did Trambo have a Reddit account? What was the user name?

by Anonymousreply 62March 28, 2023 4:12 AM

[quote] No one can get automatic weapons, bb.

You can but you need a special federal license and purchase from a specially authorized dealer. And then you need a suitcase of money because they are horribly expensive.

Since the National Firearms Act of 1934 went into effect I believe there have been no more than three examples of legally owned fully automatic weapons used in a crime. And at least two of those were committed by lawmen.

by Anonymousreply 63March 28, 2023 4:13 AM

"It started when I was very young. My mother took me to a restaurant, where they served me a brokened cheeseburger ... "

by Anonymousreply 64March 28, 2023 4:16 AM

In other words, mostly no one can get automatic weapons then, r63.

by Anonymousreply 65March 28, 2023 4:17 AM

[quote] No one can get automatic weapons, bb.

Fuck you and your pedantry. You know exactly what he was referring to. Does the fact that Adam Lanza had a semi-automatic rifle make everything better? It was more than enough to brutally murder 20 little children in a few minutes.

by Anonymousreply 66March 28, 2023 4:20 AM

r66 When it comes to this topic, it absolutely is imperative that one use facts to support their position. Are you dumb?

by Anonymousreply 67March 28, 2023 4:24 AM

Fox (barf) has got the security camera footage:

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by Anonymousreply 68March 28, 2023 4:25 AM

Go fuck yourself, MAGAt at r67. The fact is that semi-autos are weapons of mass murder. The fact that some people call them automatic weapons doesn’t change that even 1%.

I hope someone with an AR-15 with a 60-round drum mag empties all sixty rounds into your face. I’m sure you’d feel quite smug that he had to pull the trigger 60 times, making it “not an automatic weapon.”

Again, please find a grease fire immediately.

by Anonymousreply 69March 28, 2023 4:29 AM

I hope r69 doesn't have a firearm permit

by Anonymousreply 70March 28, 2023 4:32 AM

Frequently we see Incels like r69 love to wish violent death on people who have bested them.

by Anonymousreply 71March 28, 2023 4:33 AM

I’m sure Matt-fatso at r70 and r71 has dozens of guns and would rather that a million people die than have to give up his “power rods.”

by Anonymousreply 72March 28, 2023 4:35 AM

Roid rage? She was 28 yet petite and feminine enough to be I.D.’d as a teen girl. Maybe she was simply on the rag.

by Anonymousreply 73March 28, 2023 4:36 AM

I'm sorry for ... misgendering and deadnaming the shooter.

[quote]Would like to apologise for referring to Aiden Hale as Audrey Hale. I didn’t check my facts and ended up doing the very thing I’m against. I sincerely apologise for misgendering and deadnaming and I will aim for it to never happen again.

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by Anonymousreply 74March 28, 2023 4:37 AM

“Incels,” said this creature:

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by Anonymousreply 75March 28, 2023 4:37 AM

R58, you know damn well that there's a difference between mass shootings where the shooter knew and targeted the victims and shootings where the shooter walked into a public place like a school, a store, a church with the intention of killing anyone regardless of who they are. And white men are the majority of the latter.

by Anonymousreply 76March 28, 2023 4:40 AM

This motherfucker was dressed for war - she even had a tactical vest. Police must have shot her in the head in order to take her down.

by Anonymousreply 77March 28, 2023 4:41 AM

[quote]I hope [R69] doesn't have a firearm permit

Oh, so you're in favor of gun control?

by Anonymousreply 78March 28, 2023 4:42 AM

Despite the disappointing events of this morning, students will be expected to be on time tomorrow, at their desks when the bell rings and READY TO LEARN.

by Anonymousreply 79March 28, 2023 4:43 AM

Hale was “prepared to do more harm than was actually done,” and that she had drawn up plans to attack another school in the area, but backed out of them beacuse the school was too secure.

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by Anonymousreply 80March 28, 2023 4:44 AM

Here's a better link - just look at this motherfucker shooting through the glass doors:

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by Anonymousreply 81March 28, 2023 4:47 AM

Where are the appropriate trans pronouns in these news reports

Do better, media

by Anonymousreply 82March 28, 2023 4:54 AM

Bitch fired at the police, too:

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by Anonymousreply 83March 28, 2023 4:54 AM

Why are the trans so mentally ill?

by Anonymousreply 84March 28, 2023 4:57 AM

For the roid-rage conspiracists: have you seen the average mass shooter? They are pasty, fat, or skinny fat. They suck at hand-to-hand combat (unless it’s in a video game) and use guns as a substitute for their lack of muscle and masculinity. Roid-rage murderers typically kill people in a fit of passion and use their hands, while incels and femcels carefully plot out and execute their killings.

If you think synthetic hormones turn women into raging monsters, look at Buck Angel, et al. The hardware of a woman’s biology trumps the software of synthetic hormones. Unless the woman has a severe mental disorder like schizophrenia.

by Anonymousreply 85March 28, 2023 5:00 AM

[quote]I sincerely apologise for misgendering and deadnaming and I will aim for it to never happen again. 😔

Deadnaming the dead?

by Anonymousreply 86March 28, 2023 5:10 AM

It died too quick a death. Hanging would nicely suit this crime.

by Anonymousreply 87March 28, 2023 5:22 AM

I'm really concerned that lot of posters seem to be taking glee in the fact that the shooter was trans. It's as if they're been waiting for this moment to say "told ya so!"

Congrats? You have an example of a disturbed person who happens to be trans that committed a horrible, violent act despite the fact that most trans people are not violent and most killers are straight and cisgender. Enjoy your moment in the sunshine?

by Anonymousreply 88March 28, 2023 5:22 AM

R88 You said cisgender? Eat shit and die in a grease fire. Dana Rivers sends her love.

by Anonymousreply 89March 28, 2023 5:26 AM

R88- You are the one screeching " trans" in every post. This is a human issue, a mental health issue, and a gun laws issue.

by Anonymousreply 90March 28, 2023 5:30 AM

I would describe myself as terfy but I'm worried about retaliation on the trans community. This is a perfect recipe for a Rittenhouse type reaction. Some right wing cunt is sitting online tonight, steaming about this. I hope that I'm wrong and we can all just keep it to nasty back and forths.

And leave the kids out of it, ffs!

by Anonymousreply 91March 28, 2023 5:34 AM

Trans or not, this girl was definitely butch. It’s clear in her photos that at some point she was pressured to present herself as more feminine, but at best she looked MTF with ugly glasses and her hair awkwardly curled in a 40s style with those ridiculous bows. Maybe she thought passing herself off as a boy was the only alternative to being an ugly girl or butch lesbian? If conservative idiot parents and school officials accepted gender-nonconforming kids and allowed them to express themselves naturally, there would be far less of them identifying as “trans.”

by Anonymousreply 92March 28, 2023 5:41 AM

[quote]Why are the trans so mentally ill?

Why are you concerned about this one mass shooting’s “mental illness” but not the other 128 that happened so far this year?

by Anonymousreply 93March 28, 2023 5:41 AM

[quote] [R58], you know damn well that there's a difference between mass shootings where the shooter knew and targeted the victims and shootings where the shooter walked into a public place like a school, a store, a church with the intention of killing anyone regardless of who they are.

Really? What’s the difference?

by Anonymousreply 94March 28, 2023 5:46 AM

r88. Hypothetically if the "manifesto" is pages of trans stuff then can the issue be discussed?

by Anonymousreply 95March 28, 2023 5:46 AM

I guess the common denominator between mass shooters of different races, genders, religions, sexualities (and whatever else) is that easy access to military grade firearms in America has allowed them to make their sick revenge fantasies a reality.

by Anonymousreply 96March 28, 2023 5:57 AM

[quote][R88]- You are the one screeching " trans" in every post. This is a human issue, a mental health issue, and a gun laws issue.

I agree with you, but I didn't even post until the first thread was full with anti-trans posts and that was to ask Rescue Chick what a TiF was. I've hardly been "screeching" trans in every post. I simply commented that others were. And they seem joyous about it and they think it confirms their bias that all trans people are bad.

[quote][R88]. Hypothetically if the "manifesto" is pages of trans stuff then can the issue be discussed?

Of course. I never said it couldn't or shouldn't be discussed, but the way it is being discussed is disturbing. I'm all for rational civil conversation, but I'm not gong to sit idly by while people post "all trans are mentally ill". The vitriol towards all the transgender people who DIDN'T kill kids in a school today is disgusting.

by Anonymousreply 97March 28, 2023 5:59 AM

You know what r69, you are absolutely correct. You're not dumb. You're a fucking psychopath.

Seriously, what is wrong with you?

[quote]I hope someone with an AR-15 with a 60-round drum mag empties all sixty rounds into your face. I’m sure you’d feel quite smug that he had to pull the trigger 60 times, making it “not an automatic weapon.”

Imagine getting this triggered because someone corrected an erroneous statement. You are not well, at all.

by Anonymousreply 98March 28, 2023 5:59 AM

Look at r67 — confronted even hypothetically by the gun violence she helps so much to happen, and she immediately voids her bowels.

And we all know who super-ug r67 really is, don’t we.

by Anonymousreply 99March 28, 2023 6:05 AM

[quote]Really? What’s the difference?

You can't tell the difference between a drug deal gone bad or a gang war that results in multiple gun deaths and a stranger waking into a public place and opening fire and killing people they don't know?

by Anonymousreply 100March 28, 2023 6:05 AM

This tranny femcel killer's mom has been anti-gun (per her FB)

by Anonymousreply 101March 28, 2023 6:06 AM

Women are violent but choose not to commit mass shootings. Men commit these crimes.

by Anonymousreply 102March 28, 2023 6:07 AM

Help me with that, wokester at r100? We all know how much you want to stigmatize white people to show your cutting edge ultra-purity.

Do the bullets hurt less?

Are they less fatal?

Do the parents of the little girl cut down in the crossfire of that drug related shooting feel her loss less?

Help me to help you. Be a pal and explain why one gun murder is worse than another.

by Anonymousreply 103March 28, 2023 6:10 AM

Wow, this shows just how important testosorne to the connection to violence not that that is an excuse or if she is not on hormones she is one of those rare psychopathic killers. Women kill but rarely like that and rarely children.

by Anonymousreply 104March 28, 2023 6:11 AM

r99 If injecting facts into a discussion about guns and gun violence sends you into a homicidal rage, I absolutely am not the one with the problem, here.

And you can miss me with that "sockpuppet" bullshit.

by Anonymousreply 105March 28, 2023 6:11 AM

r102 Yes. But this fake one desperately wanted to cosplay & imitate a man. So she tranny managed to act on it but unlike real men, she was physically inferior, and unlike incel real men who usually and can cause greater damage, she chose much much weaker targets who could not fight back, small children.

by Anonymousreply 106March 28, 2023 6:11 AM

It's chilling to listen to the violent rhetoric espoused by trans activists at the end of this documentary. One of them even says, "kill transphobes 2022"

very disturbing stuff:

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by Anonymousreply 107March 28, 2023 6:11 AM

[quote] Is she just an autistic girl who is calling herself "he". That's what I am getting from the parents. It looks like she was [bold]living a gay male persona on reddit, giving other gays advice on Prep[/bold], etc.

r22 Creatures like that girl have contaminated almost all the gay online spaces, not just reddit. Here too. Anyway, you know well that nowadays any non-man who calls itself "he" = Mainstream public legit validates such creatures as "real" "trans".

by Anonymousreply 108March 28, 2023 6:15 AM

Sigh. I can't believe I have to be the one to say this but this one incident is not a reflection of all trans people. Come on, now. Statistically, mass shootings in this country are committed by males who are not trans.

That demographic has many issues, but can we not devolve this conversation into yet another debate about trans people? Actual lives were lost, here. Children's lives. The one common denominator is obviously a broken mental healthcare system and a lack of common sense gun laws. Stay on target.

by Anonymousreply 109March 28, 2023 6:16 AM

[quote]Help me with that, wokester at [R100]? We all know how much you want to stigmatize white people to show your cutting edge ultra-purity.

Ohhh. Wokester? You've revealed your real motives. I'm not responding to you anymore because I'd get a more stimulating conversation from a public urinal.


by Anonymousreply 110March 28, 2023 6:16 AM

A woman was just charged with killing her teen daughters and then calling her ex-husband to gloat. She shot her kids to death. Women kill but are not mass shooters, this is a white name crime statically.

by Anonymousreply 111March 28, 2023 6:17 AM

[post redacted because linking to clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 112March 28, 2023 6:18 AM

Still haven't recovered from the shock of Uvalde. Cops stepping aside to allow kids to be blown to bits? Revolting.

by Anonymousreply 113March 28, 2023 6:21 AM

"The Tavistock Clinic ignored evidence that 97.5 percent of children seeking sex reassignment surgery had autism, depression or other issues that may have explained their dissatisfaction, a new book claims. "It’s believed that less than two per cent of children in the UK have an autism spectrum disorder, but according to Gids’ own data, around 35 per cent of its referrals “show moderate to severe autistic characteristics”.

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by Anonymousreply 114March 28, 2023 6:21 AM

[quote]this is a white name crime statically.

It's just male crime, in general. Race has nothing to do with it. Sex, on the other hand, does. Males have three speeds when it comes to gun crime, they're either taking themselves out, other people, or both. But it's mostly males behind gun violence. Everywhere.

Even in places with almost no gun crime like Japan and New Zealand, the perp is always a male.

by Anonymousreply 115March 28, 2023 6:21 AM

^ That's why you never hear funny "crazy boyfriend" stories.

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by Anonymousreply 116March 28, 2023 6:22 AM

Americans are an angry, violent people.

by Anonymousreply 117March 28, 2023 6:24 AM

School officials have suggested parents provide DNA samples just in case an incident like this occurs and they're not able to identify the bodies.

The people who put themselves in charge are fuckups and losers.

by Anonymousreply 118March 28, 2023 6:25 AM

Killer's mom was an anti-gun activist.

“So important!” Norma Hale wrote in a March 8, 2018 Facebook post as she shared the petition that stated “𝑲𝒆𝒆𝒑 𝑮𝒖𝒏𝒔 𝑶𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝑺𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒍” that appeared to be from the Sandy Hook Promise Foundation.


Thank goodness for Facebook petitions.

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by Anonymousreply 119March 28, 2023 6:30 AM

1: Autism

2: Social isolation

3: Sexual frustration / inceldom

4: Background of intensely hyperbolic online rhetoric from TRAs encouraging trans people to believe society is preparing to commit a Nazi style genocide on them.

5: Availability of guns.

by Anonymousreply 120March 28, 2023 6:31 AM

R119 That’s crazy — the shooter lived with her mother. Did mom not notice her daughter’s gun collection? Also, Norma Hale was quoted as saying, 'It's very, very difficult right now. I think I lost my daughter today,” which sounds like she wasn’t aware of the trans identity either. Was Audrey/Aiden living a secret double life?

by Anonymousreply 121March 28, 2023 6:44 AM

R111 could you link to the story?

by Anonymousreply 122March 28, 2023 6:45 AM

No one, including the mom, is obliged to humour this killer's delusions after the atrocity she committed.

Pretending she was a man was just good manners while she was alive and not killing people. That time is over.

by Anonymousreply 123March 28, 2023 6:47 AM

If they're looking for anyone to play the part of a big, burly masculine cop in the TV film version.....well.....I'm your man!

by Anonymousreply 124March 28, 2023 6:51 AM

The killer messaged a friend right before she killed all those people at the school. She told her friend that she planned to die by suicide and that she would be on the news. "See you again in another life."

More of the correspondence at link (NewsChannel5 Nashville).

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by Anonymousreply 125March 28, 2023 6:53 AM

[quote]That demographic has many issues, but can we not devolve this conversation into yet another debate about trans people?

It is the rhetoric from the extremists in the trans community is driving its more unstable members to violence. If there are any moderate voices in that movement, they must come forward and call for an end to this dangerous and inflammatory mindset.

by Anonymousreply 126March 28, 2023 6:53 AM

[quote]Also, Norma Hale was quoted as saying, 'It's very, very difficult right now. I think I lost my daughter today,”

Bring a bucket and a mop and you can get her back.

by Anonymousreply 127March 28, 2023 6:54 AM

[quote] My family doesn't know what I am about to do.

[quote] One day this will make more sense. I've left more than enough evidence behind.

[quote] But something bad is about to happen.

From r125

by Anonymousreply 128March 28, 2023 6:56 AM

R125, she writes: "I'm not trying to upset you or get attention. I just need to die."

So why kill 6 people?

by Anonymousreply 129March 28, 2023 6:57 AM

[quote]We don’t need to change it. We just need to correctly interpret it. You know, the way the scotus has for the past 200 years, until a rightwing court threw that all out the window?

You know, that's a great point that can also be made about gender dysphoric care. Just like the Heller decision radically changed the treatment of guns as individual right under the 2A for ideological reasons, the gender affirming model radically changed the treatment of gender dysphoria and transsexuals from a clinical model to an ideological model. Gender affirmation is a radical extension of queer theory into a field it wasn't designed for - clinical care.

So the problem is in both gun laws and self-ID laws.

by Anonymousreply 130March 28, 2023 6:57 AM

Imagine planning to kill school children and believing you'll come back and see your friend "in another life". If there is life after death she's either in hell or coming back as an anal wart.

by Anonymousreply 131March 28, 2023 6:58 AM

[quote] Women kill but rarely like that and rarely children.

R104 It’s true that women rarely commit mass shootings, but the minority of women who do commit homicide typically kill children (usually their own).

by Anonymousreply 132March 28, 2023 6:58 AM

These mental Trans freaks. Hope they all are lobotomized.

by Anonymousreply 133March 28, 2023 7:09 AM

I've always said trans men are the worst kind of men because they come with a built-in inferiority complex and chip on their shoulder.

by Anonymousreply 134March 28, 2023 7:16 AM

From the article posted at r125:

[quote]"I called Nashville's [bold]non-emergency line[/bold] at 10:14 a.m. and was on hold for nearly seven minutes before speaking with someone who said that they would send an officer to my home. An officer did not come to my home until 3:29 p.m.," Patton said.

[quote]Patton said she wanted to come forward about this circumstance because she believed [bold]more urgency should have happened when she reached out to officials for help.[/bold]

Bitch, you called the [bold]non-emergency line[/bold] for something that was clearly an emergency. The response time you received is on you.

I can't stand simple fuckers.

by Anonymousreply 135March 28, 2023 7:17 AM

Trans Day of Vengeance is this Saturday. I guess Aiden got a head start on it.

Yaaaassss King.

by Anonymousreply 136March 28, 2023 7:19 AM

[quote]I've always said trans men are the worst kind of men because they come with a built-in inferiority complex and chip on their shoulder.

I've worked with two of the nicest, most well adjusted trans men you could ever hope to meet. One is on hormone therapy and looks and sounds very much like a cisgender man. The other one couldn't tolerate hormone therapy and had to stop taking it, so it's more apparent that he is trans. And I've seen him misgendered so many times and he's never been anything but gracious to people who've done it. They're both completely sane, not autistic, they've never talked about being "victims" or being sexual assault survivors. They're just men who want to do their jobs, have friends, and be free from constant harassment.

by Anonymousreply 137March 28, 2023 7:25 AM

R134 are you referring to female to male trans and if so they are not men at all They are the worst kind of women.

by Anonymousreply 138March 28, 2023 7:26 AM

[quote] I think I lost my daughter today,” which sounds like she wasn’t aware of the trans identity either.

r121 Or. That mom is a SANE woman unlike those freaky "enlightned, mentally-ill-gender-identity-affirming" parents who even refer to their dead (by suicide) children with those lies (opposite sex pronouns). Like that Kentucky State Sen. Karen Berg who keeps talking about her dead daughter (FTM) with "I lost my SON".

by Anonymousreply 139March 28, 2023 7:29 AM

So it's been established that the shooter is yet another one of these young chicks who want to escape female vulnerability by LARPing (poorly) as gay men? Did she call herself a "faggot" too?

by Anonymousreply 140March 28, 2023 7:31 AM

r140 Likely called you a "cis white faggot!" everywhere like reddit, dl, twitter, etc.

by Anonymousreply 141March 28, 2023 7:32 AM

[quote]Bitch, you called the non-emergency line for something that was clearly an emergency. The response time you received is on you. I can't stand simple fuckers.

And I can’t stand people who don’t read the article.

Here’s the preceding paragraph: [quote]Patton said she called the Nashville Davidson County Sheriff's Office at 10:13 a.m. to make them aware of the situation and was instructed to call Nashville's non-emergency number.

by Anonymousreply 142March 28, 2023 7:35 AM

Whatever it is, I hope it rots in hell for killing those little kids.

And leaving behind families and people who will never heal from this. Who will never be all they could have been. Fuck that freak.

by Anonymousreply 143March 28, 2023 7:35 AM

This pretty much sums our current situation up

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 144March 28, 2023 7:35 AM

r142 She should've dialed the emergency line in the first place (911). Not the local sheriff's office; yet another non-emergency number. She was stupid. Period.

by Anonymousreply 146March 28, 2023 7:40 AM

What's the nexus between transgenderism, non ironic endorsement of communism, and a love of anime? I've never understood that at all.

by Anonymousreply 147March 28, 2023 7:45 AM

What exactly was law enforcement supposed to do with the information that the friend called in. All the shooter said was “something bad is going to happen.” No law enforcement agency in the world has the resources to follow up on leads like that and sending an officer to someone’s home for a threat of suicide is just asking for trouble.

by Anonymousreply 148March 28, 2023 7:49 AM

[quote]sending an officer to someone’s home for a threat of suicide is just asking for trouble.

Is the potential outcome of that trouble worse than the murder of innocent children, r148?

by Anonymousreply 149March 28, 2023 7:52 AM

[quote] At 9:57 a.m., a former middle school basketball teammate of Audrey Hale looked at her phone to find a message from The Covenant School shooter on Instagram.

[quote] "I wanted to tell you first because you are the most beautiful person I've ever seen and known all my life."

Was she a dyke?

by Anonymousreply 150March 28, 2023 7:57 AM

R149, at the time no one knew anything about children, all they knew was that there was a person threatening suicide. If police were sent to the home of every person who threatened suicide they would have no time for any other crime.

by Anonymousreply 151March 28, 2023 7:57 AM

Not to mention that most suicides are done with guns, and the minute a cop shows up and sees someone holding a gun, the cop will probably shot them. Now you have a person, who may or may not have shot themselves, a victim of suicide by cop.

Time and time again we’ve seen that law enforcement are not the appropriate people to send to intervene in mental health crises. Even cops agree, and point to the fact that they aren’t even trained to handle many of these types of calls.

by Anonymousreply 152March 28, 2023 8:02 AM

The purported Reddit account of the shooter shows her appropriating the identity of a gay man, and doing stuff like handing out advice on PREP. Standard LARPing by a hetero autistic girl. They do this all over the Internet.

by Anonymousreply 153March 28, 2023 8:05 AM

This past weekend on ask gay bros we had another confrontation with the young angry heterosexual women who come to the sub to fight. They insist that they are gay men, even though when they are alone amongst themselves, they call us "cissies".

These young women hate us. And they are the most homophobic group within the alphabet mafia.

They are not happy controlling every lgbt sub on reddit. They want askgaybros gone because we have refused to bend the knee to their noxious religion.

That OP, who is a radical trans activist now has negative 100 karma, the max. They come to the sub on a regular basis to lecture us about supporting trans causes, and that we should be grateful to the trans. It's very similar to the datalounge trans activist who likes to lecture us and call us "faggots" and "cissies".

Here's the thread:

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 154March 28, 2023 8:12 AM

r152 Well, I suppose in this case, it's good the individual waited to commit suicide by cop after they murdered children.

But yes, let's be careful not to make sure the suicidal and possibly homicidal person only kills themselves by not involving law enforcement in such calls.

by Anonymousreply 155March 28, 2023 8:15 AM

She was horny for her former teammate from the female basketball team, R153. Sounds lesbonic to me.

by Anonymousreply 156March 28, 2023 8:15 AM

R155, tell me then what the cops should have done. What could they have done to stop this, with the information they had at the time?

by Anonymousreply 157March 28, 2023 8:18 AM

There's no way this person wasn't a virgin. Total transcel rage.

by Anonymousreply 158March 28, 2023 8:22 AM

[quote] What's the nexus between transgenderism, non ironic endorsement of communism, and a love of anime? I've never understood that at all.

r147 Incel/femcel personality (whether they have sex doesn't matter) and their culture (= 24/7 online - don't have to show their ugly selves, unlike real life; naturally drawn to otaku centrals like anime/cartoon, gaming, text-based places like reddit; delusional paradise like Tumblr).

Now (in the past just boring incels; now variations like trans, nonbinary, transmasc, non-cis, they/them, fluid, +) they have massive outlets to proudly let out their weirdo sides, while getting celebrated as "valid; legit; brave; stunning". Who are their strongest cheerleaders? Far left. Almost always with bios and activism of "communist; communist flag; socialist; anarchist; smashing the CIStem, etc".

by Anonymousreply 159March 28, 2023 8:23 AM

[quote]Not to mention that most suicides are done with guns, and the minute a cop shows up and sees someone holding a gun, the cop will probably shot them.

Also, not necessarily.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 160March 28, 2023 8:25 AM

Keep in mind, R155, that according to the time stamp at R81, the shooter was already at the school when the text was read by the friend. The shooting was already underway when the friend called the sheriff’s department with a vague tip about a suicidal person.

R160, for every one of those cases there are dozens of examples of a mentally ill person being shot by police even without them brandishing a gun.

by Anonymousreply 161March 28, 2023 8:27 AM

r157 Plenty. If they responded to her residence, the first thing they could've done is made sure she had no access to any weapons and alert family members. It seemed like she lived with her mother. Her mother could then petition her to be hospitalized and put on suicide watch. Those messages would be enough for a petition, especially if she had a history of mental illness and threatening suicide which, per those messages, seemed to be the case.

by Anonymousreply 162March 28, 2023 8:29 AM

R162, please see R161 at to why your suggestions would have been too little, too late.

by Anonymousreply 163March 28, 2023 8:31 AM

r161 Fair enough. I just noticed the timestamps. She sent that message when she was already on the school's campus. There were 20 minutes between the first message and when the first shots were fired. Even still, the emergency line should always be used when someone is threatening suicide.

by Anonymousreply 164March 28, 2023 8:35 AM

r159 In other words, they're terminally online, socially awkward, and isolated?

Does that mean the vast majority of DLers should be on a list, then?

by Anonymousreply 165March 28, 2023 8:37 AM

DLers use loaded words, phrases, and plates, not loaded guns!

by Anonymousreply 166March 28, 2023 8:47 AM

I just heard of this. I see the gun-person was trans.

Commenters will be eating this up for weeks.

by Anonymousreply 167March 28, 2023 8:48 AM

Of course cops are called to scenes of potential suicides. They respond to those calls all the time.

It's tragic as hell that children were killed but it's equally tragic that the older people were killed. I've never understood this sentiment...

[quote]Whatever it is, I hope it rots in hell for killing those little kids. And leaving behind families and people who will never heal from this. Who will never be all they could have been. Fuck that freak.

Yes, let's make sure children get to grow to their full potential and, when they get there as adults, just shoot them because the kids have potential to be what the adults already were. Great logic. All the deaths matter but the three older ones are being forgotten.

And, this morning, the moment I heard "female shooter", I wanted to come here and ask, if they meant female shooter or "female" shooter because I had a feeling there'd be a trans/incel involvement somewhere and dingdingding!

Peak trans can't come soon enough. If it had come a couple years ago, a whole lot more people who have now died at the hands of trans/NBs would be alive today. Have the trans now killed more people in the last year than the number of trans that have been killed in their self-proclaimed "trans genocide"? Probably.

by Anonymousreply 168March 28, 2023 8:52 AM

The bright red knit cap seems important here, like an intentionally placed target. It’s very sad and horrible, but watching the shooter fire through the glass door and climb through the opening, when move through these geometric spaces in tan camouflage looks eerily like an ultra-violent video game, only real and dystopian at the same time.

It’s all really heartbreaking and hurtful and confusing. To witness any human being so angry and detached from the experiences of others is deeply unsettling.

by Anonymousreply 169March 28, 2023 9:10 AM

This is sick. I saw the video hereof the shooter and couldn't believe how easy it was to enter the building and kill. What more could they have done to keep the people in the building safe? Shooters will not stop shooting. We must learn from this and make it much more difficult for shooters to access these children. The law makes us send our little ones to school. Schools absolutely must keep our children safe. Ridiculous.

by Anonymousreply 170March 28, 2023 9:17 AM

R170 I wondered about ballistic film on the door glass. There are grants to pay for its installation in schools and spaces like them. We may see more support for things like ballistic coatings and “hardening” or improving of security in vulnerable spaces like schools, libraries and museums. Still, it’s sad and shocking that we need this type of protection, but we do.

by Anonymousreply 171March 28, 2023 9:26 AM

It was reported that the shooter was targeting a different location that turned out to have decent security, so she opted for the more vulnerable church school. There have been many other church massacres, come to think of it. Perhaps that’s because there’s a false sense of security while being in “God’s house.”

by Anonymousreply 172March 28, 2023 9:28 AM

Whenever something tragic like this happens, I always say, "None of you are going to care about this in 3 months."

Because it's true. In 3 months, everyone will be onto the latest outrage and this will be a faded memory.

by Anonymousreply 173March 28, 2023 9:35 AM

[quote] so she opted for the more vulnerable church school.

r172 I don't know about this particular school but think this kind of private (protestant?) church schools are poorer than other wealthy private or Catholic schools. More vulnerable indeed.

by Anonymousreply 174March 28, 2023 9:42 AM

R168, I have some sad news for you. If we sent all trans-identified people to the gas chambers, things like this would still happen. Should we rid the world of men next too? After all, men are responsible for nearly 100% of crimes like this. Then maybe we should get rid of women next to eliminate the remainder of violent crimes.

But on a more serious note, I don't understand what "peak-trans" is supposed to do. Like, what does that world look like? Will trans people be arrested or imprisoned or something? How is it going to change things for you?

by Anonymousreply 175March 28, 2023 9:48 AM

Has someone told the christians that it was all part of god's plan?

by Anonymousreply 176March 28, 2023 9:50 AM

People commit atrocities like this because they choose a framework for understanding the world that places them as a righteous, aggrieved victim, and places their murdered victims as oppressors who are guilty of greater crimes against them and people like them. Mss murderers and war criminals all through history have felt this way, especially ethno-nationalist killers, Nazis and communists. And the more radical trans ideologues online encourage the idea that society is out to genocide trans people and everyone who doesn't give them what they want is a literal Nazi. Of course violence against so called Nazis is encouraged in trans spaces. Just today the despicable Jessie Gender basically tweeted that Terfs were Nazis and should be physically attacked.

by Anonymousreply 177March 28, 2023 9:51 AM

So basically, R177, this is just a part of human nature that can manifest in situations like mass killings or wars etc. Well, there's nothing we can really do about it other than join the FBI Counterterrorism Division and try to catch radical extremist groups before they act out.

by Anonymousreply 178March 28, 2023 10:04 AM

There's plenty we can do about it. Most people in modern western society have very limited sympathy for genocidal violence, Nazism, communism etc. We can start by not ever making excuses for violent trans extremism the same way decent people don't make excuses for white nationalists.

by Anonymousreply 179March 28, 2023 10:09 AM

This was an advance in the rights of women born women in that an WBW did this. Oh wait, shew as probably on testosterone in order to fulfill her man role.....

by Anonymousreply 180March 28, 2023 10:15 AM

[quote]And the more radical trans ideologues online encourage the idea that society is out to genocide trans people and everyone who doesn't give them what they want is a literal Nazi. Of course violence against so called Nazis is encouraged in trans spaces

Well there are currently more than 150 bills in state houses across the US that are essentially trying to eradicate being transgender. And the ones pushing the anti-trans agenda have actually affiliated themselves with self-proclaimed Nazis.

So maybe they have a point?

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 181March 28, 2023 10:16 AM

R179. Only crazy trans-activists make excuses for trans extremism and only crazy white nationalists make excuses for nationalists extremism. Excusing extremism is not an issue in normal society. IRL, you won't find one person who doesn't think this shooting is abhorrent. But you also won't find many people willing to jump on the "destroy all trans" train either. That is just the other side of the extremism coin.

You claim that people don't make excuses for white nationalists. Well, even if that were true, not making excuses for them clearly hasn't stopped them from committing violent atrocities. You say there's plenty we can do. Like what?

by Anonymousreply 182March 28, 2023 10:20 AM

The "manifesto" has been leaked. It's both childish and bitter. All about identity. What an asshole.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 183March 28, 2023 10:44 AM

^^^ "It's like that book 1985"

What the fuck?

by Anonymousreply 184March 28, 2023 10:52 AM

Also, that manifesto sounds exactly like our very own Klan Granny Troll! Blames online forums, "fascists, the Klansmen" and so forth. Says "Dude" and "Bro" every 2nd sentence.

Total, utter, lunatic.

by Anonymousreply 185March 28, 2023 10:57 AM

Not convinced that manifesto is real. Reads like satire.

by Anonymousreply 186March 28, 2023 11:04 AM

It does. If it's real then He/she/it is blaming Reddit.

Trannies LOVE Reddit. They own the entire place.

Probably fake.

by Anonymousreply 187March 28, 2023 11:07 AM

The manifesto is being dragged on KiwiFarms as being produced by a well known lolcow.

by Anonymousreply 188March 28, 2023 11:08 AM

[quote]I didn't even post until the first thread was full with anti-trans posts and that was to ask Rescue Chick what a TiF was

Why does it not surprise me that Rescue Chick came RUNNING to Datalounge to post her Kiwifarms bullshit the second she heard about the shooting?

It's so disappointing that this straight lady from Kiwifarms is practically embedded here now, posting about how gays are awful because all men are evil, and trans are worse, and also some races and religions should be abolished. We used to be a place where the straight lady rightwingers would get dunked on until they finally left.

by Anonymousreply 189March 28, 2023 11:10 AM

[quote]R181 Well there are currently more than 150 bills in state houses across the US that are essentially trying to eradicate being transgender.

It's nice to see that the trans and their allies have learned from this horrific shooting and decided to moderate their language.

by Anonymousreply 190March 28, 2023 11:13 AM

Rescue Chick is never far away if there is an anti-trans thread on DL R189.

She's like Greg - appears suddenly in any thread at the mere wiff of his name. For Rescue Chick it's the mere wiff of an anti-trans thread. She's one of the worst ones.

by Anonymousreply 191March 28, 2023 11:13 AM

What the fuck is wrong with you, Newbie r189?

Rescue Chick has been a contributor for ages and ages. I love her posts about Vermont and she's always fucking interesting.

Unlike you.

Go back to Reddit, r189.

by Anonymousreply 192March 28, 2023 11:14 AM

[quote]I wonder if her black-and-white mindset manifested as 'Men are violent, therefore to be a man I must be violent, too.'

Doubtful, based on her texts before the shooting. Almost sounds like she wanted suicide-by-cop and chose, for some reason, to go to her previous grade school to do it in, likely to cause more trauma on purpose. A lot of people who have experienced trauma have a compulsion to cause trauma of their own later on.

[quote]It reminds me a bit of Lou Sullivan, an FTM who had sex with gay/bi men, then got AIDS and died. He wrote: "I took a certain pleasure in informing the gender clinic that even though their program told me I could not live as a Gay man, it looks like I'm going to die like one."

Yeah, no. That just sounds to me like you don't know the first thing about AIDS activism back in the day. Everyone likes to pretend like the LGBT community was polite, reasonable and respectable, but everyone in fact was hostile and angry about the situation, and it was completely reasonable to feel that way.

by Anonymousreply 193March 28, 2023 11:15 AM

You can fuck right off too, r191.

Why do I have the feeling that we're about to be raided by Discord/ Reddit Trannies indirectly defending the shooter...

by Anonymousreply 194March 28, 2023 11:16 AM

OK but then there's the anti-trans and man hate thing R192...

Basically, at this point, Datalounge is imploding after too many years of drifting to hard right hatred.

by Anonymousreply 195March 28, 2023 11:17 AM

Sure, Rescue Chick @ R194...

Just fuck off you slobbering man hating cunt. Plenty of us can see right through you... Stay out of a two-piece.

by Anonymousreply 196March 28, 2023 11:18 AM

Datalounge reflects society.

by Anonymousreply 197March 28, 2023 11:19 AM

r196 Me!???!!! I'd not be seen DEAD near snow, honey. I'm all man and all gay, all the time, as I have been for a long, long, time. But if you think you've got RC on the line then I'd advise you to recheck your yellowbook and pencil another number!

by Anonymousreply 198March 28, 2023 11:22 AM

The voice in that chaotic and frankly laughable alleged manifesto sounds nothing at all like the person behind the alleged Reddit account. I call bullshit. It's definitely not the same person anyway.

by Anonymousreply 199March 28, 2023 11:27 AM

R192, I've been here 15 years longer than Rescue Chick.

You Kiwifarms imports are always easy to spot, because you understand that old-timers on here get a modicum of respect for that, so you do ridiculous things like randomly accuse others of being "newbies" as an ad hominem, in hopes of getting others to dismiss what's been said.

I stand by what I said: It's disappointing that a bunch of trolls and their sockpuppet accounts like you were able to come to DL, and make it seem like Rescue Chick was just a sweet little old lady with puppies who just needed some friends to talk to.

by Anonymousreply 200March 28, 2023 11:27 AM

The troll who spams trans threads about "Reddit Trannies" and "4chan Trannies" is apparently a "flood the zone with shit" misinformation troll. Their posts don't make any sense otherwise.

by Anonymousreply 201March 28, 2023 11:29 AM

Seriously R198. There aren't any trans people on DL. Not for years and years now. There's no tranny invasion or tranny club or tranny group or tranny tidal wave and no tranny anything.

It's just the other gays.

It's time to sharpen your dialling pencil to a pinpoint and then shove it up your arse. Oh who am I kidding. You don't have a dialling pencil - it's a dialling wand don't you fatty...

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 202March 28, 2023 11:32 AM

^^^Liar. r200.

I can always tell.

No gay man I know supports Trans - not since it became obvious they were overtaking ALL our charities, ALL our media, ALL our online spaces. You are a Tranny and it shows. I know you think it doesn't, but it does.

And YOU r201.

Trannies are buzzing around Discord right now on how to swarm here.

Swarm all you like. Pretend all you like. Post all you like. The more you post, the more obvious your lie becomes, so keep posting.

We still see you for what you actually are. We will always see you for what you actually are.

by Anonymousreply 203March 28, 2023 11:32 AM

I presume Mx. Audrey-Ayyydan Hale will be added to this year's list of Trans Murder Victims? They usually have to scramble around to find entries for that list.

by Anonymousreply 204March 28, 2023 11:34 AM

Just listen to yourself R203. Listen to the things you're saying.

by Anonymousreply 206March 28, 2023 11:35 AM

JFC Greg! How do you even do that? You're creepy.

You're like Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice...

by Anonymousreply 207March 28, 2023 11:37 AM

The manifesto is meant to be 25 pages long. It'll be a long intersectional rant about white supremacy and trans genocide.

by Anonymousreply 208March 28, 2023 11:37 AM

[quote]Just listen to yourself R203. Listen to the things you're saying.

Oh, he knows. He was using the n-word on Meghan Markle threads a few days ago, starting tons of anti-trans threads one morning, just basically being a huge irritant. How he hasn't gotten banned is beyond me, because his shit is always getting deleted.

by Anonymousreply 209March 28, 2023 11:38 AM

^^^Liar. I encourage EVERYONE to troll-block me and see that r209 is a liar.

Whay do all Trannies feel the need to lie?

Why aren't you able to debate using solid, provable facts, rather than invented, easily disprovable lies, r209?

by Anonymousreply 210March 28, 2023 11:41 AM

What are you gonna do R210?

Ask us to define a woman?

Ask us if we would sleep with a FTM tranny?

Ask us if we would use a tranny bathroom and not be bothered there were biological born females in it?

Call us all trannies again? (how the fuck do we spell tranny/trannie anyway?)

Or any of the other completely mindless obsessed and unhinged questions you post over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...

by Anonymousreply 211March 28, 2023 11:48 AM

Maybe... oh I dunno, log off, r211.

by Anonymousreply 212March 28, 2023 11:52 AM

Well, this bumped Baby Danielle right off the front page.

by Anonymousreply 213March 28, 2023 11:56 AM

[quote]We can start by not ever making excuses for violent trans extremism the same way decent people don't make excuses for white nationalists.

Just in principle I agree with this, but we don't know that this was trans extremism. An extremist trans activist wouldn't go after little kids at their own former grade school, that doesn't make any sense. A political extremist/terrorist act would be against, say, politicians or police or some kind of organization.

by Anonymousreply 214March 28, 2023 11:57 AM

You could consider leaving a forum that was not made for you, r211.

You have your own forums. SO MANY of them. Why come here?

by Anonymousreply 215March 28, 2023 11:57 AM

The tweet at R74 sums up the reaction to this for me. It's so ridiculous and that's where we're at.

Cant's wait to see what the Trans Day of Vengeance brings! /s

by Anonymousreply 216March 28, 2023 12:05 PM

[quote] JFC Greg! How do you even do that? You're creepy. You're like Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice...

It’s a secret.

by Anonymousreply 217March 28, 2023 12:08 PM

Greg is a hell of a lot less creepy than the T's on this thread.

by Anonymousreply 218March 28, 2023 12:10 PM

What the fuck are you even talking about R215.

I'm gay. This is a predominantly gay forum. This is where I have been since Tom Cruise jumped up and down on Oprah's couch when I first found DL and it is were I will remain.

You leave and take your hate filled shit with you. I'm not going anywhere.

Are you going to ask all those stupid fucking droning questions again now? Sigh...

by Anonymousreply 219March 28, 2023 12:10 PM

Cut the crap R218. There AREN'T any trans on DL.

They all left long ago because they are hated here.

You're just stuck with all us other gays and talking to yourselves in an echo chamber. But sure - keep pretending there are trans people here...

by Anonymousreply 220March 28, 2023 12:13 PM

[quote] Greg is a hell of a lot less creepy than the T's on this thread.

Thank you?

by Anonymousreply 222March 28, 2023 12:15 PM

You can pretend all you like R221. It's one of your favorite and most used trolling techniques.

by Anonymousreply 223March 28, 2023 12:16 PM

You're welcome Greg. You're far, far, better than the T's. Also, you have some good cooking tips. If you ever do an Instant Pot thread I will love you long time.

by Anonymousreply 224March 28, 2023 12:17 PM


by Anonymousreply 225March 28, 2023 12:19 PM

This is like an episode of Tranny Get Your Gun

by Anonymousreply 227March 28, 2023 12:25 PM

Eradicate autism !! Horrid people

by Anonymousreply 228March 28, 2023 12:35 PM

^ Trying to get the thread deleted, R228?

by Anonymousreply 229March 28, 2023 12:38 PM

Dear Swarming Discord Trannies:

Even your leaders over at the "Trans Day of Vengeance", much hyped and scheduled for this week, have gone into hiding.

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 230March 28, 2023 12:42 PM

Seriously R230. Andy Ngô? Right next to Libs of TikTok.

What you don't think they hate gays too? And that's who you side with?

Frankly - both the extremes of people like you AND the over the top trans activists are batshit crazy. White padded rooms for all of you.

by Anonymousreply 231March 28, 2023 12:46 PM

Tennessee has some of the weakest gun laws.

This is exactly what they keep voting for

by Anonymousreply 232March 28, 2023 12:47 PM

r231 Sorry, honey. Facts are facts.

by Anonymousreply 233March 28, 2023 12:49 PM

How old are you R233? I imagine you to be a very, very old and frightened person. Am I correct?

by Anonymousreply 234March 28, 2023 12:51 PM

[quote] You're welcome Greg. You're far, far, better than the T's. Also, you have some good cooking tips. If you ever do an Instant Pot thread I will love you long time.

You’re making me blush.

I enjoy using my Instant Pot. I’ll come up with something for you.

by Anonymousreply 235March 28, 2023 12:52 PM

I'm 42, r234.

But since we're talking about numbers, angel, rest assured that I have yours.

by Anonymousreply 236March 28, 2023 12:52 PM

r235 Aww lovely of you to offer, Greg!

I'd adore it. Thanks.

by Anonymousreply 237March 28, 2023 12:55 PM

You're only 42. How sad is it that this is who you are at 42 R236.

You do sound like a much older person.

by Anonymousreply 238March 28, 2023 12:56 PM

r135. If you read more, and I'm not even saying the entire article, just what came before the part you quoted, you would have know that the woman called 911 first and was DIRECTED to the Non-emergency line.

"I tried to comfort and encourage her and subsequently reached out to the Suicide Prevention Help Line after being instructed to by my father at 10:08 am. Audrey has shared with others that she had been suicidal in the past and I knew to take this serious," Patton said to NewsChannel 5.

Patton said she called the Nashville Davidson County Sheriff's Office at 10:13 a.m. to make them aware of the situation and was instructed to call Nashville's non-emergency number.

by Anonymousreply 239March 28, 2023 12:59 PM

Yes, r238.

I am a dual national and was educated in England.

by Anonymousreply 240March 28, 2023 1:00 PM

Great activism there, Lt Gov of Minnesota a few days ago.

"Trans Rights or Else", proudly showing off the guns, knives, baseball bats to threaten to beat, stab, shoot the -phobes.

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by Anonymousreply 242March 28, 2023 1:09 PM

All that t-shirt need is an AR15 and the Transtapo are finally in the murder business, as they've so very often threatened to be...

by Anonymousreply 243March 28, 2023 1:12 PM

There's no difference between them and you regarding threats of violence R243.

by Anonymousreply 244March 28, 2023 1:14 PM

Great pics of trancels when you search "Trans Rights or Else" on twitter

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by Anonymousreply 245March 28, 2023 1:16 PM

While I haven't read the Manifesto yet. Waiting for a confirmation it is real before I start reading drivel. We can conclude that Audrey/Aiden wanted suicide by cop. Why not take your guns and run into a Bank and try to rob it. Preferably one near a police department. Maybe you will get away with some cash or maybe you will be shot dead as you want to be.

Or walk into the PD with gun in hand. Why bring innocent people into your death wish.

by Anonymousreply 246March 28, 2023 1:17 PM

r244 That t-shirt encouraged someone to blow up 9 year olds.

by Anonymousreply 247March 28, 2023 1:17 PM

It’s a shooting another day in America. Why so much attention?

by Anonymousreply 248March 28, 2023 1:20 PM

It must be an incredibly powerful and mind-controlling t-shirt if you think that R247. What a totally unhinged claim.

by Anonymousreply 249March 28, 2023 1:21 PM

Female shooter activated by Reddit trends r248

by Anonymousreply 250March 28, 2023 1:22 PM

just for the record, I wasn't here until after work yesterday. I didn't plan on posting in the first thread until my name came up as I was reading it.

by Anonymousreply 251March 28, 2023 1:28 PM

r251 Everyone has been accusing me of being you!

What is going on?

by Anonymousreply 252March 28, 2023 1:30 PM

More attention should be given to the 1994 Oscars thread instead of this politically charged thread! MARY!!!

by Anonymousreply 253March 28, 2023 1:35 PM

Trans are insane and everyone has been commanded to direct their view ELSEWHERE, FOR THEIR OWN GOOD, 1984-style

by Anonymousreply 254March 28, 2023 1:44 PM

The doors were locked, but glass. Easy to smash with bullets. Now.....bullet proof glass or solid bullet proof doors are needed. This is insanity.

by Anonymousreply 255March 28, 2023 1:45 PM

TQ+ are increasingly violent and radical. After all, they’re the ones who have started the apocryphal “The first pride was a RIOT!” nonsense.

Andy Ngo has written about this quite a bit, but there is a huge intersection of trans/queer (read: mentally ill whites) and Antifa terrorism. Say what you want about Ngo (and oh will the antifa trannies EVER) but he is right about this.

Anecdotally, I have a “trans” acquaintance (meaning a non-binary white girl who fucks men but is “trans”) who has ACAB tattooed across their chest and was suspiciously “vacationing” in Atlanta during the attack on police there recently. She’s currently trying to get refugee status in Ireland because there are so many NAZIs here!!!

Expect more of this. They’re already psycho and have been nothing but emboldened by the media and - YES - the Democratic politicians who refuse to denounce them.

by Anonymousreply 256March 28, 2023 1:47 PM

This is what the T is doing to to the LGB.

And they come here to laugh about it, and to berate you for perfectly normal beliefs.

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by Anonymousreply 257March 28, 2023 1:51 PM

[quote] Ohhh. Wokester? You've revealed your real motives. I'm not responding to you anymore because I'd get a more stimulating conversation from a public urinal.

You didn’t respond to me anymore because I challenged your echo chamber double standard and you were left completely unable to answer.

by Anonymousreply 258March 28, 2023 1:53 PM

Go back to T/reddit, r258.

Go back. This cannot be expressed to you enough.

by Anonymousreply 259March 28, 2023 1:57 PM

[quote] [R99] If injecting facts into a discussion about guns and gun violence sends you into a homicidal rage, I absolutely am not the one with the problem, h

I’m getting the best laugh of the morning from this specimen.

People are very upset assault rifles give people such massive killing power, and they’re so easily available. R67 is here to tell you “your opinion is invalid. You don’t even UNDERSTAND these weapons!!! How can we listen to you??? LEAVE ASSAULT RIFLES ALONE!!! (insert Chris Crocker voice here)”

So r67 is working overtime to keep weapons of mass murder on the streets, but gets ULTRA TRIGGERED when it’s hoped she’ll be hoist on her own petard? I’m sorry but that’s just too fucking funny.

by Anonymousreply 260March 28, 2023 2:00 PM

Ok, I feel responsible for the Rescue Chick backlash. I asked the question, but I actually LIKE Rescue chick and while we may not agree on trans issues, I think she's funny and an excellent snarky addition to DL and like having her here. Please don't dump on her. She's hardly the most offensive anti-trans poster here. I've never seen her say anything outright hateful in the too numerous threads on the topic.

by Anonymousreply 261March 28, 2023 2:01 PM

Y’all crazy. Why disarm yourselves? Maga people will always have rifles. You need to defend yourself from them.

by Anonymousreply 262March 28, 2023 2:02 PM

R259 we are still waiting to hear why white gun violence is worse than black gun violence.

by Anonymousreply 263March 28, 2023 2:02 PM

r262 Well, darling, EXACTLY.

by Anonymousreply 264March 28, 2023 2:03 PM

I blame the internet for distributing BS into people homes, hands & heads & I blame SM for amplifying the hate & insanity.

Enemies of democracy & freedom are loving this. They can now bring down the west without firing a shot or entering our borders.

For years, DLrs have been warning people about this dangerous ideology.

Books will be written about this era…documentaries & movies will be made.

I always wondered what it would have been like to endure a mass delusion that would drive communities to burn witches, gas Jews or accuse their neighbors of being communists. I wondered how could society ever be so insane to justify atrocity?

Now I know.

People are insane. All of us. Myself included. The fact that I can just go to work & do my job like nothing happened instead of taking to the streets to plead for an end of violence is insane.

Maybe we need a mass strike to protest this violence. I don’t know. It’s unacceptable. Why do we accept it?

by Anonymousreply 265March 28, 2023 2:05 PM

We accept it, r265, because of the political influence of a minority of people who fetishize the illusion of power that they get from gun ownership.

by Anonymousreply 266March 28, 2023 2:07 PM

Both Democrats and UK Labour need distacting from the money they take from China.

That's all there is to it.

by Anonymousreply 267March 28, 2023 2:09 PM

Trans shooters are human shooters!

by Anonymousreply 268March 28, 2023 2:10 PM

R263, I'll explain the difference: Because white assholes know that if a white person rapes, stabs, shoots, etc, they themselves won't be blamed for the actions of those white individuals. They know they can leave their homes and not be called a "terrorist" for what other white people do. What exactly do you think would've happened if those hundreds of people who smashed windows/doors, beat dozens of cops, spread their feces and invaded the Capitol to hunt and kill members of Congress, were black or Muslim of Hispanic instead of overwhelmingly white and Christian? How many laws do you think would've already been passed? How many dickheads who play this race-baiting crime game, would've attacked innocent people for the actions of those terrorists, only if they were anything other than white?

The very reason the FBI doesn't take it seriously is because so many of the FBI and other LE agencies are comprised of people who think the same way. That they are allowed to be as violent as they please and still, no one sees them as threat.

by Anonymousreply 269March 28, 2023 2:12 PM

We accept it because we are insane. People are violent. We fight too much.

Yes, we need gun reform. But people are still going to terrorize & kill one another.

We need to dial down the rhetoric. We need to stop glamorizing “hard core.”

We need serious mental help.

by Anonymousreply 270March 28, 2023 2:13 PM

Idk she makes the second amendment look damn sexy.

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by Anonymousreply 271March 28, 2023 2:13 PM

Funny to see the FtM's shooting the whole trans thing in the Trans Foot.

by Anonymousreply 272March 28, 2023 2:14 PM

r271 defends gunning down 9 year olds

by Anonymousreply 273March 28, 2023 2:17 PM

Transgenderism, Islam, white supremacy, BLM — all extremism with extremist cult members.

by Anonymousreply 274March 28, 2023 2:17 PM

[quote]Trans shooters are human shooters!

[quote]—Trans Rights are Human Rights!

Anyone who suggests that rights be taken away from an entire group because of the crimes of one person in that group is a fascist. I honestly think it's sad that we have so many people like this on here lately.

by Anonymousreply 275March 28, 2023 2:17 PM

Drop the T now, and forever.

by Anonymousreply 277March 28, 2023 2:20 PM

At the end of the day, the shooter was mentally ill and this country makes it very easy for mentally ill people to acquire military grade weapons. The truth is that the Supreme Court is just as mentally ill as this tragic girl.

That being said, the growth of transgenderism from a very small psychological/medical phenomenon to a social phenomenon where self-identification engenders a whole litany of grievances and persecution complexes was bound to attract crazy people. “I feel like a misfit/I don’t fit in” = let me join these people who are angry and self-righteous and victimized all the time! It’s no different than Islamic fundamentalism. So much of transgender online dialogue is designed to be triggering and no one challenges it. Joey Soloway was protesting the Dave Chappelle Netflix special and told a crowd that Trans people are going through a Holocaust! If you keep pushing these buttons, there is going to be a bad reaction.

The problem is self-identification. Hyperbolic language was used during the AIDS crisis and ACT UP which actually was something of a holocaust but we never had situations like this because the concept of self-identification hadn’t been invented yet. You either were or you weren’t gay, and that kept out the crazies.

by Anonymousreply 278March 28, 2023 2:20 PM

[quote]I actually LIKE Rescue chick and while we may not agree on trans issues, I think she's funny and an excellent snarky addition to DL and like having her here. Please don't dump on her. She's hardly the most offensive anti-trans poster here. I've never seen her say anything outright hateful in the too numerous threads on the topic.

Sorry, r261, but neither you nor your friend Rescue Chick get to tell us what we can or cannot say. I suggest that if you are determined to get to decide what we can say or do on here, your best bet would be to send an email to Muriel and ask her to ban the shit out of me, because I called out a troll and you didn't like it.

"Sure she's a bigot but she's not the biggest bigot on here" is not much of an endorsement, by the way, and "if I never saw her be hateful then it has never happened" isn't the logical zinger you think it is.

by Anonymousreply 279March 28, 2023 2:21 PM

[quote] What the fuck is wrong with you, Newbie [R189]?

[quote] Rescue Chick has been a contributor for ages and ages. I love her posts about Vermont and she's always fucking interesting.

[quote]Unlike you.

[quote] Go back to Reddit, [R189].

Not the poster you are responding to. Not here to debate the Trans issue: although I believe rescue-chick’s comments in this thread have been wildly inappropriate.

Like you, bought into the r-chick’s hype but increasingly have found her wildly inappropriate and self-absorbed. Gloating about her appearance, cooking and other trivialities (“life in Vermont”) whilst denegrating others and cruelly speaking about other humans….including her own family members…..not to mention initiating threads with header links that result in spam bots onto my electronic device.

In short, find rescue-chick to be a mess and avoid her head-case antics now, despite her deluded fan club here on DL.

by Anonymousreply 281March 28, 2023 2:22 PM

I noticed that CNN's updating page about the shooting didn't use any pronouns for the shooter at all.

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by Anonymousreply 282March 28, 2023 2:23 PM

^^^ Look at this anti-gay scum at r279 and r281


by Anonymousreply 283March 28, 2023 2:24 PM

^*AN Electronic Virus (via her pointless links)

by Anonymousreply 285March 28, 2023 2:25 PM

Anyone who murders children doesn’t deserve the decency of being posthumously named by their “chosen pronouns”. I hope this autistic cunt is rotting in hell.

by Anonymousreply 286March 28, 2023 2:26 PM

Why should we care if we dead name a murderer. Fuck her pronouns.

by Anonymousreply 287March 28, 2023 2:27 PM

The bottom line is that there is no morality or logic to blaming an entire group of people for what some within that group do.

It's patently absurd to equate the behavior of all Nazis, who are people joined together by a shared ideology, with the behavior of a few trans people, who have no connection other than the fact that they're trans.

It's unfortunate that Datalounge has become home to this kind of thinking on a variety of groups, but it has, and the end result is that the vast majority of threads we have on here about newsworthy events are going to be full of bigots and trolls. They're also going to be full of self-described "normal, moderate" people who defend the trolls, because if they were good at identifying trolls, DL wouldn't have descended into this shit pit in the first place.

by Anonymousreply 288March 28, 2023 2:28 PM

^^LOL look at the Trans Apologist at r288

by Anonymousreply 289March 28, 2023 2:30 PM

[quote] I noticed that CNN's updating page about the shooting didn't use any pronouns for the shooter at all.

r282 Mainstream media outlets have been sick promoting, enabling this anti-fact cult ideology.

CNN, NYT, Guardian, USA Today, etc. have been desperately twisting themselves to HIDE the actual facts - murderer's real sex, real pronouns, real name - with intentionally confusing, vague terms.

by Anonymousreply 290March 28, 2023 2:32 PM

R36....Hence...the big problem of the internet and social media. What starts off as a small, maybe fun activity....turns into something much bigger and dangerous. It spreads like wildfire. Look at this issue being discussed, the far right Qunt nutty conspiracies, trump, etc. It's very insidious.

by Anonymousreply 291March 28, 2023 2:32 PM

R183 That thing with the awful font can't be the real tranifesto. Surely he/she/they would want it to be legible at least?

by Anonymousreply 292March 28, 2023 2:37 PM

All it takes is for the the trannies go into their own 'safe spaces' and then all will be well.

Just leave everyone else alone.

by Anonymousreply 293March 28, 2023 2:38 PM

[quote]Sorry, [R261], but neither you nor your friend Rescue Chick get to tell us what we can or cannot say

Ok, first of all, I never told you what you could or couldn't say here. I called out rescue-chick for what I thought was an inappropriate comment but I didn't mean to bring hellfire down on her. She's contributed to this forum in better ways. I'm staunchly pro-trans and have been accused of so many things on this website and told to "go dilate" so many times it's ridiculous. There are some truly hateful people here. I don't think she's one of them.


by Anonymousreply 294March 28, 2023 2:41 PM

[quote] That thing with the awful font can't be the real tranifesto. Surely he/she/they would want it to be legible at least?

r292 Not that it is real (we can't know yet) but did you see her art? lots of screenshots taken from the multiple websites that she promoted. Such childish art... by a 28 year old.

by Anonymousreply 295March 28, 2023 2:45 PM

I wish Jamie Lee would hold a press conference and heal a divided broken nation

by Anonymousreply 296March 28, 2023 2:46 PM

[quote]I'm staunchly pro-trans

Are you pro-ex gay? I am. I’m pro-ex-gay, pro-transracialist, and pro-transgender. Not staunchly, and not separately. I’ll only support or vote for “pro-trans” legislation if and when ex-gay policies are included.

by Anonymousreply 297March 28, 2023 2:46 PM

[quote]Are you pro-ex gay? I am. I’m pro-ex-gay, pro-transracialist, and pro-transgender

Oh. I didn't realize I was talking to an insane person. My bad.

by Anonymousreply 298March 28, 2023 2:48 PM

Owen Jones and Chasten Buttigieg kind of gays.

by Anonymousreply 299March 28, 2023 2:48 PM

[quote]Oh. I didn't realize I was talking to an insane person. My bad.

The hard left can never, ever be civil. Just like their hard right cousins.

by Anonymousreply 301March 28, 2023 2:50 PM

The kids would have grown up to be MAGA anyway.. so...

by Anonymousreply 302March 28, 2023 2:51 PM

[quote]“your opinion is invalid. You don’t even UNDERSTAND these weapons!!! How can we listen to you??? LEAVE ASSAULT RIFLES ALONE!!! (insert Chris Crocker voice here)”

R260 Dude. What the hell? I corrected an inaccurate statement and posted a source to support it. I didn't say shit about "invalid opinions." You're a fucking irrational pest screaming into the void arguing against a point that was never made. Are you that desperate for human interaction?


by Anonymousreply 303March 28, 2023 3:08 PM

This photo of a little girl being taken away from the school (right after the shooting) on a bus is the top post on reddit right now. It makes me really angry, because this is going to keep happening.

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by Anonymousreply 304March 28, 2023 3:09 PM

[quote]But on a more serious note, I don't understand what "peak-trans" is supposed to do. Like, what does that world look like? Will trans people be arrested or imprisoned or something? How is it going to change things for you?

I'm not the person to whom you're responding, R175, but a society-wide "peak trans" would be nothing like what you suggest. That's the kind of hyperbolic, hysterical crap that made Miss "Aiden" feel justified in killing six people.

What it would mean is that public life would shift from affirming false sex/gender identities and move towards treating dysphoric feelings through non-pharmacological, non-surgical means. It would also mean that trans-identifying people will no longer be back up by public institutions (media, legal system, politics) when they make ludicrous claims like "Biological sex doesn't exist" or "Trans people are the subject of a genocide".

by Anonymousreply 305March 28, 2023 3:14 PM

[quote]Because white assholes know that if a white person rapes, stabs, shoots, etc, they themselves won't be blamed for the actions of those white individuals. They know they can leave their homes and not be called a "terrorist" for what other white people do.

Nope, R269.

I'll be quite clear in saying that Antifa and the TQ+ types that infest it are very much white, the militant trans movement is very much white, and I'd go so far as to call both Antifa and what happened in Nashville true domestic terrorism. I consider the TQ+ movement the pinnacle of true white privilege, with typically middle and upper-middle class mentally ill whites fueling this movement while hiding behind gays/lesbians and "BIPOC."

I condemn their white domestic terror.

But only one political persuasion and their media handmaidens repeatedly call this an imaginary hoax and just "an idea." Much less refuse to condemn it. And that political group is not the conservatives.

by Anonymousreply 307March 28, 2023 3:20 PM

"Republicans: It’s not guns, it’s mental health!

Also Republicans:"

Offsite Link
by Anonymousreply 308March 28, 2023 3:39 PM

"The red line is when Republicans ended the national assault weapons ban."

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by Anonymousreply 309March 28, 2023 3:40 PM

"There is ONE way to change this. Vote out the motherfuckers who refuse to act. That’s it. I mean my God, forget the fucking politics. Forget your team. You’ve got people in office who side with kids and you’ve got people in office who side with guns. That should be enough."

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by Anonymousreply 310March 28, 2023 3:42 PM

R310- Sensible, sane people never vote for them to begin with.

by Anonymousreply 311March 28, 2023 3:43 PM

[quote] I think she's funny and an excellent snarky addition to DL and like having her here.

Hmmmm....I don't like the sound of this.

by Anonymousreply 312March 28, 2023 3:45 PM

If school shootings were rare, maybe the shooter being trans would be meaningful, but it’s just kind of an interesting detail in this one. Can’t make any generalizations from one this case.

by Anonymousreply 313March 28, 2023 4:12 PM

Mass shootings are a gun control issue and our nation will not get this under control until sensible reform is passed, republicans continue to turn a blind eye because the gun lobby lines their pockets. This blood is on their hands. It’s getting so common that people are no longer shocked.

We also have a mental health crisis in this country that has not been properly addressed, sadly we have people on the streets or sitting behind a screen seething in rage at what they feel the world has done to them.

We need better mental healthcare and that includes not indulging gender identity patients by offering hormones and plastic surgery to sooth the disconnect between their brains and body. It’s like the lunatics are running the asylum and the outcome of this ridiculous self ID is starting to bear fruit.

by Anonymousreply 314March 28, 2023 4:14 PM

This is an interesting potential angle, CSA scandal at school during time she would have been a student?

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by Anonymousreply 315March 28, 2023 4:41 PM

I adamantly believe that automatic or semi automatic weapons should be banned. We can keep new ones from being sold, but what can be done about all the ones that are already out there? Won’t it be a long time before it makes any difference?

by Anonymousreply 316March 28, 2023 4:52 PM

Do you think that school will survive this? Or will they have to close?

by Anonymousreply 317March 28, 2023 4:56 PM

At the beginning of the video, there were a bunch of kids playing at a playground, running around and swinging.....

If it had just walked over there and opened fire - many more children would be dead.

The whole thing is too sad. When are these gun rights people going to wake up?

by Anonymousreply 318March 28, 2023 4:56 PM

[Quote]what can be done about all the ones that are already out there?

R316 Not much considering that a grotesque amount of firearms are being illegally trafficked by street gangs who illegally deal them as a source of income and to arm their "soldiers." And yes, a lot of these firearms are traveling back and forth across the southern border. It's a whole business and a completely different world when you look into the street game. Seriously.

They will not stop moving their product and are more sophisticated with supply chain management than a lot of people think.

by Anonymousreply 319March 28, 2023 5:06 PM

There are many moving parts to this problem.

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by Anonymousreply 320March 28, 2023 5:09 PM

Could the republican party be sued for these deaths?

by Anonymousreply 321March 28, 2023 5:12 PM

r239, did you even read what you appended?

[quote]Patton said [bold]she called the Nashville Davidson County Sheriff's Office[/bold] at 10:13 a.m. to make them aware of the situation and was instructed to call Nashville's non-emergency number.

Calling the Sheriff's Office is NOT calling 911.

by Anonymousreply 322March 28, 2023 5:24 PM

I can't comprehend the selfishness and self-pitying childishness it takes for anyone - ANY of America's disgusting mass killers, not just this latest garbage example of degenerate --to think their lives are so shit they need to make other people "pay". They all seem to be literate and have Internet access; there are copious examples of scores of people, SCORES!, who have it worse than they do. But, of course, that reality is safely ignored.

In the aftermath and you see their pictures, read about them, it's always obvious that the mass shooters are just weak, whiny losers who can only feel "big" or "powerful" by hurting others.

Cut off their access to firearms. These subhumans do not deserve the ability to take others lives and joy from them. Let them suffer in their own miseries, as they deserve.

by Anonymousreply 323March 28, 2023 5:26 PM

R89 you said "her" Dana Rivers is a fucking dude. Otherwise, I agree.

by Anonymousreply 324March 28, 2023 5:29 PM

R101 My mom is too! My sister even wrote a shitty poem about it.

by Anonymousreply 325March 28, 2023 5:37 PM

In the Reddit posts that had the same user name as AH's IG, she speaks of being a gay male, med student and having a previous relationship with a male ex. Seems to not be AH or whole online reality, at minimum, seems literally to be delusional.

In the past, people did not have the option to seemingly exist in an online fantasy world. Wanting sex in particular was powerful motivation towards a more normal social functioning based in biological reality. Not in victimhood and psychosis.

by Anonymousreply 326March 28, 2023 5:50 PM

I wonder if the middle school classmate AH seemed fixated on, last msg to her, had recently gotten engaged or otherwise had distanced?

Allowing people to spend many years in delusional thinking is dangerous. Many previous suicide threats = needs in patient help, not pronouns.

by Anonymousreply 327March 28, 2023 5:52 PM

Very strange. Why would this person jump on CNN?

Ends by talking @ being an influencer, did she seize the tragedy for some kind of personal promo?

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by Anonymousreply 328March 28, 2023 6:03 PM

That footage from the police body cams is compelling. No cowards in that group.

by Anonymousreply 329March 28, 2023 6:10 PM

One of the Reddit comments says, "Speaking as a nonbinary person" so maybe that goes with the inconsistent names and pronouns. It was in a post about fanfic, wonder how much of her life was online vs. relating to other actual humans? Seems like there is a lot in modern life that can really exacerbate mental illness and it has gone way too far in being normalized imo.

by Anonymousreply 330March 28, 2023 6:11 PM

It isn’t worth diving into a crazy person’s psychosis. You can NEVER understand Audrey Hale or Timothy McVeigh or Osama bin Laden.

All we as a society can do is try t make it harder for them to get weapons. Because of Osama bin Laden, everyone has to get molested by Roshondra and Rashandra in order to fly. And yet for every Audrey Hale, nothing gets done? That’s the insanity.

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by Anonymousreply 331March 28, 2023 6:18 PM

R328 she was just getting her 15 minute of fame and hoping to gain followers on Instagram.

What I don't understand is didn't this Audrey person live with her parents? Her mother had repeatedly posted on social media in support of gun control. So her family wasn't made up of gun nuts. Mommy hadn't noticed all the AR-15s her darling had purchased? And Mommy was unaware Audrey was two sandwiches short of a picnic?

by Anonymousreply 332March 28, 2023 6:19 PM

TERFs still pretending the shooting vindicates them, when we all know their war is against MTFs, not FTMs. Sorry, dykeys, but the shooter is one of you, a biological female.

by Anonymousreply 333March 28, 2023 6:25 PM

R332 would you inspect your adult child’s room, boxes, car, etc? If a 28 year old buys a gun they don’t need a permission slip from their mommy and most adults who live at home aren’t subject to searches.

by Anonymousreply 334March 28, 2023 6:30 PM

R333 thank you for introducing your obsession with TERFs. While the DL is a site for gay men, we have always welcomed "dykeys" with or without canes. However, whatever you are, you aren't really in our wheelhouse, are ya?

by Anonymousreply 335March 28, 2023 6:30 PM

This threads been fun but I have so many anti-trans lunatics on block it's like reading a top secret government document that's been redacted. I'm missing so many of the posts that people are quoting and replying to!

by Anonymousreply 336March 28, 2023 6:34 PM

Seriously Rohandra and Rahandra have been a thing for TWENTY YEARS! Jesus Christ how many school shooting deaths have we had since then and nothing gets done?

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by Anonymousreply 337March 28, 2023 6:36 PM

[quote]Such childish art... by a 28 year old.

She had stickers on her guns (look at the third photo), which also seems oddly childish to me.

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by Anonymousreply 339March 28, 2023 6:36 PM

Cops say it had purchased seven guns. Legally.

by Anonymousreply 340March 28, 2023 6:38 PM

It's childish to punish others for your own unhappiness, failures, and lack in life.

All mass shooters play "dress up" with their body armor, the trench coats, the pretend "hardcore badassery".

REAL badasses suck it the fuck up. REAL badasses don't whine. REAL tough people don't go around killing others be they had a bad day, or can't get laid, or get dumped, or whatever the hell newest lameass excuse the next mass shooter is bawling about in their manifesto this time/next time.

by Anonymousreply 341March 28, 2023 6:42 PM

Nobody needs seven guns. Except maybe the goddess Shiva and then she could use the 8th arm to reload.

by Anonymousreply 342March 28, 2023 6:42 PM

[Quote]Whenever something tragic like this happens, I always say, "None of you are going to care about this in 3 months."

more like 3 days

by Anonymousreply 343March 28, 2023 6:52 PM

There is no fucking such thing as a non binary person

by Anonymousreply 345March 28, 2023 7:00 PM

Just heard Chris Jansing address the shooter as “the gunman”.


by Anonymousreply 346March 28, 2023 7:00 PM

How's the NYT coping? Choosing their words carefully, as one might imagine?

by Anonymousreply 347March 28, 2023 7:01 PM

R346 She would want to be called the gunman, she was a wannabe male. He should have called her "that dumb cunt chick who thought she could change sex and like a total pussy, went after little kids instead of to any challenging place" She was a woman. Always and forever.

by Anonymousreply 349March 28, 2023 7:04 PM

Thanks for posting that, r348. While I just found it, it definitely belongs on this thread.

I only wish we had an uncensored version so I could make sure the bitch was dead.

by Anonymousreply 350March 28, 2023 7:06 PM

But...but...but, why couldn't they just shoot her in the leg? Or shoot the gun out of her hand?! Did they have to shoot to kill?

by Anonymousreply 351March 28, 2023 7:07 PM

They *needed* to bring a mental health crisis specialist, R351. Don’t you know ANYTHING by now? ACAB! The police ARE the problem!

by Anonymousreply 352March 28, 2023 7:14 PM

I watched the video and it was horrible, I didn’t expect to feel any pity for the killer as she was taken down but I did, she is someone’s child, I know Mary!

Nobody and I mean no one needs to own 7 weapons, democrats need to seize the moment by passing legislation limiting the amount of firearms an individual can own.

I often wonder what tragic event would finally compel republicans to pass sensible gun reform and sadly it seems like no amount of death and despair will move them, maybe I need to make peace with that but it’s a bitter pill.

by Anonymousreply 353March 28, 2023 7:19 PM

R353- It affected me the same way. I only read a little of her posts and all I felt was overwhelming sadness. Sadness for her, sadness for the victims.

by Anonymousreply 354March 28, 2023 7:27 PM

I called it at R77 - they had to shoot this motherfucker in the head to take her down, as she was wearing a tactical vest. This POS was dressed for war.

Holy shit.

by Anonymousreply 355March 28, 2023 7:33 PM

The children who are sent into America's schools every day, without weapons or armor, are tougher than any one of these shooters.

Every last one of the mass shooters who have made the series of choices they did, that resulted in the lives they took are cowards.

No pity for them from me. I would spit in their faces, if they were alive and I had the chance. I would spit in their parents' faces. I would do the same to the trash who sold them their weapons and to all of those who legislate those laws, making it oh so easy for these freaks to keep killing us like this.

by Anonymousreply 356March 28, 2023 7:39 PM

[Quote] But...but...but, why couldn't they just shoot her in the leg? Or shoot the gun out of her hand?! Did they have to shoot to kill?

the 6 people killed weren't given that option and they didn't have weapons

by Anonymousreply 357March 28, 2023 7:42 PM

Fuck this deluded bitch. Seeing the cops rush into a place filled with tiny cubbyholes for tiny people to use and knowing this dumb cunt just shot the place up...And assholes on twitter calling out people who misgender this dumb twat...what a fucking time to be alive.

by Anonymousreply 359March 28, 2023 7:59 PM

Can President Joe issue an executive order to ban assault weapons?

by Anonymousreply 360March 28, 2023 8:01 PM

Autistic people should be barred from purchasing firearms

by Anonymousreply 361March 28, 2023 8:06 PM

R360, no. An executive order is an order to federal agencies. It can’t override state or federal laws.

by Anonymousreply 363March 28, 2023 8:17 PM

Everyone's missing the main point, which is that the cop who took her/him down is super hot!!

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by Anonymousreply 364March 28, 2023 8:24 PM

[Quote]—It was sarcasm!

but not effective sarcasm R358

by Anonymousreply 365March 28, 2023 8:39 PM

The poster with the axe to grind about rescue-chick is pathetic.

Of ALL the posts on Datalounge, you take issue with hers?

If you can't handle other people's opinions-- and hers are pretty moderate-- then this isn't the place for you.

by Anonymousreply 367March 28, 2023 8:58 PM

That jaw gives him quite the BDF, R364.

by Anonymousreply 368March 28, 2023 9:05 PM

The 9 year old named Hallie Scruggs was the daughter of the main pastor of this church. Not that that makes her more important.

I watched the body cam and was glad they got the shooter before she took out more children (and adults).

by Anonymousreply 369March 28, 2023 9:13 PM

R349, she was MTF, correct?

by Anonymousreply 370March 28, 2023 9:33 PM

While I am no fan of the trans and have gotten into it on DL with the trans ass kissing brigade, I don't see how it relevant here seeing as this is the first trans mass shooter I've heard of.

by Anonymousreply 371March 28, 2023 9:34 PM

R370 No she was ftm, an Aiden in every sense, even chose that stupid name.

by Anonymousreply 373March 28, 2023 9:35 PM

R371, sex/gender/sexuality issues frequently are relevant to criminal conduct, so we can’t yet say it doesn’t matter.

by Anonymousreply 374March 28, 2023 9:40 PM

The overwhelming majority of mass shooters are white men, in the US at least. This is an anomaly.

by Anonymousreply 375March 28, 2023 9:44 PM

That manifesto uses the spelling "Aidan" with two "a"s, while Audrey used "Aiden." Maybe she used both spellings interchangeably, or maybe the manifesto is a shallowfake.

by Anonymousreply 376March 28, 2023 9:48 PM

The media has referred to the shooter as a “trans woman,” keeps using she/her pronouns, and calling her Audrey. Makes me think she was MTF.

by Anonymousreply 377March 28, 2023 9:53 PM

Breakdown. Watch and learn, Uvalde PD.

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by Anonymousreply 378March 28, 2023 10:00 PM

R377, if she was born a boy then how who she have been on a girl’s middle school basketball team with the girl she texted just before the murders?

by Anonymousreply 379March 28, 2023 10:10 PM

Maybe I just watch too much Law & Order SVU, but what if she was sexually abused by a pastor while she was a student there (maybe when she was 9) and it was ignored or covered up by the higher ups? Interesting to me that reports are saying her targets were random (and I think some might have been), but that she managed to take out the the principal and daughter of the church's senior pastor. That just feels like it can't be random to me.

Feeling shame/disgust/dissociation with her female body and identity may have resulted from that abuse and led to her rejecting it.

by Anonymousreply 380March 28, 2023 10:16 PM

Why was Biden talking about ice cream at the start of the press conference re: this? His people really need to manage the message better.

RIP to the victims.

by Anonymousreply 381March 28, 2023 10:16 PM

Body cam footage is as real as it gets. Lives on the line - to kill a killer of CHILDREN! I cried.

by Anonymousreply 382March 28, 2023 10:23 PM

R381, that was not a news briefing about this shooting. That was a pre scheduled speech to a group of women business owners, one of which I take it was the owner of Jeni’s Ice Cream. He briefly mentioned the shooting as an aside but the purpose of the speech was to address the invited business women, not to comment on this shooting.

by Anonymousreply 383March 28, 2023 10:28 PM

My front hole is queefing with rage.

by Anonymousreply 384March 28, 2023 10:28 PM

The Maul reporting her/his/its Christian parents rejected that for being gay and trans and they planned to shoot relatives too.

by Anonymousreply 385March 28, 2023 10:39 PM

R380 It generally does. Rescue chick was kind of given shit for pointing it out but I don't think she was being flip. A lot of ftms are sexual abuse victims who are trying to dissociate from the womanly body that got them molested. It's very true. She's still a fucking piece of shit though, for shooting up those kids. Her mom is also an asshole, when your daughter claims to be a dude, you want to look into whether she was abused and get her some therapy.

by Anonymousreply 386March 28, 2023 10:39 PM

In retrospect, my wording was kind of flippant but my intention wasn't. It's more weariness than flippancy.

by Anonymousreply 387March 28, 2023 10:46 PM

[quote] "peak-trans"

What is that, R175, R305? A noun or an adjective?

by Anonymousreply 389March 28, 2023 10:55 PM

They're blaming demons & trans for Christian school mass shooting

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by Anonymousreply 390March 28, 2023 10:55 PM

Because they, like other rational people, aren't *obsessed* with trans like you are, 391.

by Anonymousreply 392March 28, 2023 11:03 PM

[quote] They're blaming demons & trans for Christian school mass shooting

Who should they be blaming for this school mass shooting? The deplorables?

by Anonymousreply 394March 28, 2023 11:05 PM

If you're molested, go after the person who diddled you. Killing anyone else --anyone-- makes you an even bigger monster than the person who abused you.

by Anonymousreply 395March 28, 2023 11:07 PM

R386 fuck off, you ignorant cunt. She was under the care of a doctor for an emotional disorder and her mother specifically had her guns removed because she felt Audrey might be a threat. She even questioned Audrey on the day of the shooting and Audrey refused to respond to her questioning.

This woman was 28 years old, her parents (I noticed you don't blame her father, typical bullshit as he is as much to "blame" as the mother) had no other power to stop her.

by Anonymousreply 396March 28, 2023 11:08 PM

There will *always* be mentally unbalanced people of *all* varieties, r395. The discussion is about making guns less available to them rather than analyzing each one's individual psychopathy. It all comes down to one thing and one thing only...guns.

by Anonymousreply 397March 28, 2023 11:13 PM


by Anonymousreply 398March 28, 2023 11:15 PM

Feel free to check my posting history in this thread, Doris. I'm about as anti-gun as one can be.

by Anonymousreply 399March 28, 2023 11:15 PM

The saddest part is that the public is inured to these incidents now.

Sure, everyone sticks to the usual "tragic" comments, but the reality is that there is significantly less emotional disturbance now compared to Columbine or even Sandy Hook just 11 years ago.

People would be horrified if you said it out loud (outside of DL), but the majority of people simply cannot be bothered to be outraged anymore, and school shootings have moved into the area of auto accidents or fires - tragedies, but mostly for the people most directly involved.

by Anonymousreply 400March 28, 2023 11:18 PM

Controversial shirt has been pulled.

An image of it has gotten several folks locked in Twitter jail, supposedly.

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by Anonymousreply 401March 28, 2023 11:22 PM

I didn't mean to imply that you were, r395.

by Anonymousreply 402March 28, 2023 11:23 PM

So far this does not appear to have been cancelled.

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by Anonymousreply 404March 28, 2023 11:35 PM

Please lord do not publish this fucking cunt's "manifesto."

by Anonymousreply 405March 28, 2023 11:41 PM

Wasn't the Sandy Hook shooter also autistic?

by Anonymousreply 406March 28, 2023 11:44 PM

I'm President Biden.

I'm sick of seeing all this malarkey with these kids getting shot in school. I executive order the School Safety act. All schools will have access to federal funds to ensure the safety of their schools. That means armed guards metal detectors, better doors. However the school district decides to spend it.

I'm Joe Biden and I approve this message.

by Anonymousreply 408March 28, 2023 11:49 PM

What about the [bold]GUNS[/bold] R408?

by Anonymousreply 409March 28, 2023 11:51 PM

I'm Vice President Kamala Harris.

The Republicans said they didn't have the money for the School Safety act. But I pointed out that we had to stop giving money to Ukraine and prioritize American children first. So our military has stopped making so many weapons and focused on the defense of our schools.

I'm a genius. I'm Vice President Harris and I approve this message.

by Anonymousreply 410March 28, 2023 11:52 PM

R409 We're the children of America in 2049, grown up. A lot of the assholes have died off and we have more voting power. We went through lockdowns and scary drills. We're sick of this shit. We vote and elect politicians strongly enforcing gun control.

It is much harder to get a gun. Security measures are up everywhere in big public crowded places. AI technology recognizes faces and potential threats in crowds and shooters are scant.

by Anonymousreply 411March 28, 2023 11:56 PM

This was horrible but until another female and another trans person shoots up a school, it’s an isolated profile.

There’s a pattern with straight white men. There is no mass shooter pattern of women or trans people.

But of course the right is going to now be concerned with guns and mental illness and mass shooting and school violence. Because for one of the rare times, it’s not one of them.

by Anonymousreply 412March 28, 2023 11:58 PM

OMG I just watched the video where Metro Police stormed the school building and neutralized Audrey Hale. Really gets the blood pumping.

by Anonymousreply 413March 28, 2023 11:58 PM

R413 I saw it too. Scary shit. It reminded me of the tension at the end of “Silence of the Lambs” instead it was alarms instead of darkness. It was horrifying.

by Anonymousreply 414March 29, 2023 12:00 AM

I believe trans people exist and are real.


I wonder if this will die down the fad / trend of young girls saying they’re trans. Cause a lot of them aren’t and are doing it to be different and fit into their new goth scene.

by Anonymousreply 415March 29, 2023 12:02 AM

I wish they kept that Scorpion unit around just for school shooters.

by Anonymousreply 416March 29, 2023 12:03 AM

The trans-covering MSM has their ridiculous spin headline set after mulling it over for a day!

The absolute chutzpah to run this as the headline lol

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by Anonymousreply 417March 29, 2023 12:18 AM

R415 DING DING DING DING DING we have a winner! This trans bullshit, especially amongst the younger crowd, is just a fad. And now children are dying because of it.

by Anonymousreply 419March 29, 2023 12:26 AM

R417 how is that ridiculous? The vast majority of shooters are not trans, let alone female. Her being trans really doesn't seem to come into play when we're just taking about nass shootings.

Other crimes are a different story.

by Anonymousreply 420March 29, 2023 12:27 AM

Does anyone have a link to its reddit comments?

by Anonymousreply 421March 29, 2023 12:29 AM

The police did an amazing job here (unlike Uvalde and Parkland police). They took down the shooter within 3 minutes of entering the building.

by Anonymousreply 422March 29, 2023 12:31 AM

[quote]I believe trans people exist and are real.

Ex-gays also exist, and they are also real. So are transracialists. They too exist and are also real.

by Anonymousreply 423March 29, 2023 12:33 AM

Anyone have the link to the video R413 & R414 are talking about please?

I found this one but they sanitize the ending.

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by Anonymousreply 424March 29, 2023 12:34 AM

R420, that gay club shooter was also trans. (And don't give me any bullshit about it just being a lawyer's trick. You all want self-ID, you have to take it from everyone, not just the ones you choose.) That's two mass killings by trans in the last year or so. Plus, mental illness is usually a common factor in all these mass killings. Trans is a mental illness, so also relevant in that way.

by Anonymousreply 425March 29, 2023 12:34 AM

Trans may be a mental illness but not all mentally ill are trans. And mass shooters may all be mentally ill but again, not all mentally ill are trans.

You're trying to make a connection where there isn't one R425. The vast vast majority of mass shooters are not trans. Whatever this woman's deal was, you can't lay it at the feet of trans.

by Anonymousreply 426March 29, 2023 12:37 AM

So, like, how many of which team will die in Saturday's big game, "Trans Day of Vengeance”?

by Anonymousreply 428March 29, 2023 12:40 AM

The Reuters spin is precisely what Americans now expect from the media

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by Anonymousreply 429March 29, 2023 12:41 AM

the people of tennesse r responsible fr the dead of these children

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by Anonymousreply 430March 29, 2023 12:42 AM

R375 This is false. The only way to get a white majority (as in greater than 50%) in these numbers is to restrict the data to mass killings in a public area (even there whites are underrepresented relative to their share of the population).

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by Anonymousreply 431March 29, 2023 12:43 AM

I think we will see more transgenders doing mass killings due to the attention that this one is getting.

by Anonymousreply 433March 29, 2023 12:43 AM

do not trust these christians

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by Anonymousreply 434March 29, 2023 12:44 AM

That illustrator college is a scam, they won't help you get a career in illustration. She went for 8 years and got "participation" awards. Must have been a harsh wake up call when she graduated.

by Anonymousreply 435March 29, 2023 12:44 AM

home schooling, wt do u think they r teaching their children

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by Anonymousreply 436March 29, 2023 12:45 AM

Will this be true? If not today, then, inevitably?

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by Anonymousreply 437March 29, 2023 12:45 AM

where to the gay replublicans

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by Anonymousreply 438March 29, 2023 12:46 AM

Could you imagine a "gay day of vengeance" ever happening? Even at the height of AIDS? Even in relation to the centuries of murder and imprisonment of gay men? Not gonna happen. There is something very dark, very violent, very nihilistic and very heterosexual about the modern trans rights movement.

by Anonymousreply 440March 29, 2023 12:47 AM

The guy at R436 is so smug. Arrogant

by Anonymousreply 441March 29, 2023 12:49 AM

Well, the majority of mass shooters are white guys aged 14-21. So in a way, it makes sense that a white 28 yo female going through virtual male puberty via hormones did something like this. And of course people are going to blame autism, or transgenderism, or mental illness, but those aren't the things to blame. There are millions of americans with autism or mental illness. There are hundreds of thousands of transgender people. Most of these people are just average people that you live with and interact with without an issue. I think the biggest issue is the free availability of assault weapons that makes tragedies like this possible. I'm cool with reasonable, mentally healthy adult Americans owning a shotgun or a glock. But these tragedies are easily preventable, and they include having the smallest speed bumps. A quick call to her therapist or psychiatrist could've been used to prevent this.

by Anonymousreply 443March 29, 2023 12:50 AM

R443 had you seen this? Also, many therapists are pretty useless and nutty. System needs to be tightened up.

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by Anonymousreply 444March 29, 2023 12:52 AM

[quote]Could you imagine a "gay day of vengeance" ever happening?

Gosh no!

by Anonymousreply 445March 29, 2023 12:53 AM

If the voices in your head are telling you to kill, please start with yourself.

by Anonymousreply 446March 29, 2023 12:53 AM

Here's a good question. Has anyone been able to find any actual evidence of Audrey Hale being a real trans? Apart from her claims of being "trans" and the LinkedIn profile. I can't find anything at all. No pics no nothing. It would be all over the internet if it existed.

She just looks like a normal everyday lesbian to me.

So is Audrey Hale just a lesbian with mental issues who said they were trans for whatever reason? If she was an actual trans then there will be plenty of evidence out there. But there isn't. Very perplexing.

What does everyone think?

by Anonymousreply 447March 29, 2023 12:53 AM

I was in Home Depot in Farmington Hills, Michigan this morning and overheard 3 employees talking about the shooting.

"Was the shooter a man?"

"It was a trans. They killed it."

I realize that a school shooter doesn't deserve mercy, but hearing this knucklehead refer to a trans person as an "it" was infuriating.

by Anonymousreply 448March 29, 2023 12:54 AM

R84 Until 1973 all gay and lesbian people were “mentally ill.”

by Anonymousreply 449March 29, 2023 12:55 AM

[quote]Here's a good question. Has anyone been able to find any actual evidence of Audrey Hale being a real trans? Apart from her claims of being "trans" and the LinkedIn profile. I can't find anything at all. No pics no nothing. It would be all over the internet if it existed.

What is a “real trans”?

Audrey identified as male. It’s on her Facebook going back to 2018. Self-ID is considered a valid means of gender identification.

by Anonymousreply 450March 29, 2023 12:56 AM

Here is a good article called the Dark psychology of behind the trans movement. It explains who they really are. And remember about 85% of these MTF trans are straight white men. The women are not really taken seriously. The female trans shooter was an anomaly, however, authorities should look closely at what testosterone does to women.

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by Anonymousreply 451March 29, 2023 12:59 AM

[quote]Heroes wear uniform

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by Anonymousreply 452March 29, 2023 12:59 AM

r447 There isn't much evidence that she was a lesbian either, seems she liked portraying herself as a gay man online and her Tumbler account was a bunch of pics of Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland.

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by Anonymousreply 453March 29, 2023 1:00 AM

I don't have any sympathy for people who kill children. So anyone can call the shooter any derogatory name they want. That person willingly surrendered their own humanity and therefore their right to human dignity.

by Anonymousreply 454March 29, 2023 1:00 AM

[quote]’Gentle Giant’

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by Anonymousreply 455March 29, 2023 1:01 AM

OK thanks for that answer R450.

I guess to me, someone who is actually trans is either in the process of transitioning or has already transitioned and is authentically living that life. I just see no evidence of any of those things happening. There don't seem to be any stories or proof or pics that she was transitioning and beginning hormone therapy or whatever it's called.

Hale just looks like any other lesbian. Not trans - just a lesbian who claimed she was trans for whatever reason. Doesn't add up.

by Anonymousreply 456March 29, 2023 1:03 AM

[quote][R84] Until 1973 all gay and lesbian people were “mentally ill.”

I would argue that all gays and lesbians who seek transitioning are mentally ill.

by Anonymousreply 457March 29, 2023 1:03 AM

Claimed to be non-binary, a T identity, R456. Knock off the bullshit "No TRUE trans" narrative you are trying to pedal.

by Anonymousreply 458March 29, 2023 1:05 AM

There is no evidence she was a lesbian. A neighbour saying she was gay should be taken with a grain of salt. Most straight people (especially provincial ones) still assume anyone trans or gender non conforming is gay. They aren't up with the fact that the modern trans wave is overwhelmingly heteros IDing as "translesbians" or "gay trans men". Audrey's profile as an autistic girl is utterly typical for so called "gay transmen".

by Anonymousreply 459March 29, 2023 1:05 AM

sending a lgbtq+ child to the evangelical school, where they certainly would be ostracized, bullied, mentally n physically, isolated, zero chance of healthy human interactions required to become a mentally n physically mature adult, the parents did these to those kid. The parents r giving these kids autism, if did not already hv them

by Anonymousreply 461March 29, 2023 1:06 AM

This Meme post describes the tragic life of many, who need real help, not to be used as foot soldiers for a movement.

These kids need interventions and to learn to become PART of society, not to look for microaggressions and false "genocide" under every leaf.

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by Anonymousreply 462March 29, 2023 1:07 AM

If she wanted to suicide by cop, she didn't have to kill anyone else.

Particularly children.

Note in her message to her friend, she said nothing about killing others. Just herself.

Casting herself in the "poor me" victim light.

If she had mentioned killing others, perhaps she didn't want her friend to alert the cops.

by Anonymousreply 463March 29, 2023 1:07 AM

I always wonder about the parents of these killers; how much anguish they must be going through seeing the death, pain and suffering their own child has caused

by Anonymousreply 465March 29, 2023 1:07 AM

[bold]ALL[/bold] of them R457???? That's quite a large claim don't you think.

That's what all the nasty haters said about us up until recently.

Someone made an excellent DL thread of all the language and claims made by anti-gay and anti-lesbian Christian activists in the 70s, 80's and 90s. Very interesting read indeed.

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by Anonymousreply 466March 29, 2023 1:08 AM

R460, she did not IDENTIFY as a lesbian, rather as non-binary and as he/him/Aidan.

by Anonymousreply 467March 29, 2023 1:08 AM

She's clearly a lesbian R459/R467.

by Anonymousreply 468March 29, 2023 1:09 AM

R468 actually she/he or whatever appeared to be an incel.

by Anonymousreply 469March 29, 2023 1:10 AM

R460 Apparently, Audrey also self identified as autistic. This is getting ridiculous.

I have an acquaintance who was evicted because the apartment was a disaster. Apparently, she couldn’t get it clean enough for the exterminators to come in. Her husband has cancer and she has a son and daughter. She set up a GoFundMe describing her household as including 4 “disabled” people. I get the husband with cancer but now she’s decided that she and her two children are “autistic.” The 12 year old bio daughter goes back and forth from Mikaela to Ayden. The 20 year old doesn’t work.

Everyone who can’t/won’t function in life isn’t autistic or disabled.

by Anonymousreply 470March 29, 2023 1:10 AM


They put their tranny name Aiden on the fucking gun they used, retard.

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by Anonymousreply 471March 29, 2023 1:11 AM

R462- ask the guy, wt to do with these straight mass murderers, who r doing almost all the 130 mass shootings of this yr

by Anonymousreply 472March 29, 2023 1:11 AM

Whilst I’m confused by Audrey/Adrian’s gender identity history I find the person who shot up a gay bar in Colorado slightly more confusing.

by Anonymousreply 474March 29, 2023 1:13 AM

What is antifa planning on doing in DC on the Day of Vengeance? It is not exactly known for it's peaceful protests. If there is violence Biden will have to take action. This is dicey for the Dems.

by Anonymousreply 475March 29, 2023 1:13 AM

The internet really fucked everything up.

by Anonymousreply 476March 29, 2023 1:13 AM

I think removing anonymity will solve most issues, R476.

by Anonymousreply 478March 29, 2023 1:14 AM

Yes probably that too R469. Clearly all sorts of mental illness, maladjustment and serious issues going on with her. She killed children. She's a terrible person. There isn't one thing to say in her defense.

But, she was clearly a lesbian. If not - then we should be able to locate the proof of her being trans.

Just waking up in the morning and saying "I think I'll be trans now" isn't actually being trans. It's total bullshit. And that's one of the main issues with the whole trans "thing" and I think most people in this thread would at least agree on that much.

by Anonymousreply 479March 29, 2023 1:16 AM

If attending the school was her problem, why didn't she kill the parents who sent her?

If attending the school was her problem, why did she kill 3 nine year olds?

If attending the school was her problem, why did she have plans to shoot up other places but chickened out because they had better security?

by Anonymousreply 480March 29, 2023 1:16 AM

R476- the automatic rifles makes the killing earlier n more convenient fr the mass shootings

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by Anonymousreply 481March 29, 2023 1:16 AM

R480- u hv to ask them or read their dairy n online blogs to find out wt made them choose these schools

by Anonymousreply 482March 29, 2023 1:19 AM

Marjorie Taylor Greene Accuses Twitter of ‘Whitewashing Trans-Terrorism’ After Account Locked

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by Anonymousreply 483March 29, 2023 1:19 AM

Please block and cease interacting with the obvious troll who persists in stating she was lesbian in the face of evidence that she was trans. Obvious troll is obvious.

by Anonymousreply 484March 29, 2023 1:19 AM

these christians r all nazis

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by Anonymousreply 485March 29, 2023 1:21 AM

Is “Eliot” Page not lesbian? “Chaz” Bono?

by Anonymousreply 486March 29, 2023 1:21 AM

ted cruz's tweets about the mass shootings r all copy n paste

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by Anonymousreply 487March 29, 2023 1:22 AM

So just post the evidence she was trans R484. Then the issue will be factually dealt with, backed up with evidence and we can move on. Simple.

by Anonymousreply 488March 29, 2023 1:24 AM

the replublicans r always thinking about fucking small childrens

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by Anonymousreply 489March 29, 2023 1:25 AM

I see a pattern.

Past time for LGB to RUN from the T, esp the ones with GUNS and BATS.

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by Anonymousreply 490March 29, 2023 1:27 AM

Should all trans people be placed in insane asylums?

by Anonymousreply 491March 29, 2023 1:28 AM

The "No TRUE Trans" troll is giving us and in real time of the T inability to accept reality. Crux of many of their issues, I'd imagine.

Self ID of shooter: non-binary and he/him

by Anonymousreply 492March 29, 2023 1:28 AM

Gays and lesbians who seek transitioning (or ex-gay), yes R491.

by Anonymousreply 493March 29, 2023 1:29 AM

The he/she killer should have just jumped off a cliff or drowned itself.

by Anonymousreply 494March 29, 2023 1:29 AM

look hw the christians suddenly r crying about hate crimes, when they r the victim

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by Anonymousreply 495March 29, 2023 1:29 AM

Does it really matter if they were trans or not? All shooters are mentally ill even if they claim some cause or reason.

Wanting to kill anyone unprovoked is mentally ill. Unless it's self defense, or some military situation (and even that's controversial) killing is by and large wrong and most people know this.

I'm sick of the trans issue. I don't care and am sick of hearing about it. Just like the Russian scare, BLM, Occupy Wall street, immigrants at the border, Islamophobia, cancel culture, I'm sick of hearing about this issue and want it fade away and not have it foisted upon me in social media, or news.

I want real issues to be solved by competent leaders. Health care, gun restrictions, social security etc. Things that matter.

Not imaginary boogie man phantoms I only encounter online.

by Anonymousreply 496March 29, 2023 1:29 AM

It was never controversial that people who wanted to CASTRATE THEMSELVES or chop of HEALTHY BODY PARTS were in need of mental health care.

Until it became a Big Pharma market, a way to criminalize language and thought, etc, etc.

by Anonymousreply 497March 29, 2023 1:30 AM

dead to the gay replublicans

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by Anonymousreply 498March 29, 2023 1:30 AM

deport the gay replublicans to the uganda

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by Anonymousreply 499March 29, 2023 1:31 AM

R494, you are discounting the narc and Cluster B element that drives the attention seeking.

by Anonymousreply 500March 29, 2023 1:31 AM

^ R492 in real time a lesson in the T inability...

by Anonymousreply 501March 29, 2023 1:32 AM

the great replacement theory

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by Anonymousreply 502March 29, 2023 1:33 AM

More importantly, how the hell did she get these guns?!?!?

by Anonymousreply 503March 29, 2023 1:33 AM

R470 those kids never had a chance. with a parent like that they'd probably be reprimanded for being functional because it would embarrass her.

by Anonymousreply 504March 29, 2023 1:33 AM

[post redacted because linking to clearly indicates that the poster is either a troll or an idiot (probably both, honestly.) Our advice is that you just ignore this poster but whatever you do, don't click on any link to this putrid rag.]

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by Anonymousreply 505March 29, 2023 1:33 AM

A lot of people get these guns from gun shows R503. I don't think a lot of the sellers do background checks or follow any laws.

The NRA needs to be outlawed but they are too rich and powerful and have a strong lobby.

by Anonymousreply 506March 29, 2023 1:36 AM

So she [bold]WAS[/bold] a lesbian R505.

by Anonymousreply 507March 29, 2023 1:36 AM

[quote] Has anyone been able to find any actual evidence of Audrey Hale being a real trans? Apart from her claims of being "trans" and the LinkedIn profile.

Are you new here ?

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by Anonymousreply 508March 29, 2023 1:36 AM

We are living in an online world where you can be anything you want and then we live in one where the more oppressed you are the more you are a hero. Is it any wonder that children are growing up confused when we are affirming each and every identity as legitimate, no matter how outrageous.

by Anonymousreply 509March 29, 2023 1:38 AM

R483- y do not she go hv another affair

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by Anonymousreply 510March 29, 2023 1:40 AM

So Audrey was living with her parents and they “thought” she didn’t have any guns. WTF! Why didn’t they check?

by Anonymousreply 511March 29, 2023 1:40 AM

Why are we posting Marjorie Taylor Greene and Laura Ingraham as reputable information at Datalounge?

Those people HATE us and lie all day long for a job.

by Anonymousreply 512March 29, 2023 1:42 AM

[quote] home schooling, wt do u think they r teaching their children

The policeman's body camera shows that the school was pushing the Trans agenda with trans propaganda on their school wall.

by Anonymousreply 513March 29, 2023 1:44 AM

From the link (the only link I can find commenting about this):

"However, Hale’s family and friends have not commented if Hale was transgender or had transitioned from female to male or just preferred he/him pronouns".

Logically the family will comment at some point and we will know for sure.

Until then - she was a lesbian.

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by Anonymousreply 514March 29, 2023 1:45 AM

We've been telling you that Turmblr and reddit bred this kind of incels and femcels that isn't harmless. They want to kill "terfs" and generally everyone who opposes them, and the "LGBTQ" ignored it. This will get worse as there are many who feel that this kind of violence is justified.

by Anonymousreply 515March 29, 2023 1:45 AM

[quote]Twenty years later, after being rejected by her Christian family when she came out to them as gay, Hale had turned into a killer.

After all the crazy speculation about the killer being MTF, here we are back at R-46 from Part 1. If the Fail is correct, I’m Nostradamus!

by Anonymousreply 516March 29, 2023 1:47 AM

[quote]I believe trans people exist and are real.

Yes, people with gender dysphoria/mental illness who can't accept the sex they are-- do exist.

The problem is no the Left, MSM and the government reinforces their mental illness/delusion rather than trying to provide therapy to help them cure their anxiety/illness.

by Anonymousreply 517March 29, 2023 1:48 AM

[quote] the Left, MSM and the government

I can understand that the Left and the MSM believe idiotically.

But the government at all levels should keep out of this faddish idiocy.

by Anonymousreply 518March 29, 2023 1:52 AM

We are at this dangerous point because over the last 20-340 years the universities have turned away from reason and embraced feelings and subjective "lived experience" over fact and rationality. The trans thing is just the tip of the iceberg. It's a mass psychotic break.

by Anonymousreply 519March 29, 2023 1:52 AM

So she couldn’t move out and live her life as a lesbian adult? I guess her mental illness was so severe prevented her from supporting herself? Sorry, I’m just trying to understand. I don’t really expect any of us have the answer. We all know people who were rejected by their parents after coming out, and they got out and built lives they could live. Maybe it’s a generation thing.

by Anonymousreply 520March 29, 2023 1:53 AM

Where did you get your medical training, Dr. @ r517?

by Anonymousreply 521March 29, 2023 1:54 AM

No indication R520 other than the Daily Fail that she was a lesbian. She was trans.

by Anonymousreply 523March 29, 2023 1:55 AM

Why did she...? Why did he...? The question rational people are asking is why did this person have such easy availability to military weapons. But you trolls do you.

by Anonymousreply 524March 29, 2023 1:57 AM

R517- the trump university graduate alert

by Anonymousreply 525March 29, 2023 1:58 AM

I fully believe that transitioning for gays and lesbians is suicide.

by Anonymousreply 526March 29, 2023 1:58 AM

Part of all this focus on trans is the deflection value from the guns R524. Nobody is talking about the machine guns - just that she was trans and the posters in this thread are claiming that all trans people are exactly like Hale.

by Anonymousreply 527March 29, 2023 2:00 AM

Yes, R525, suicide or constant regret.

by Anonymousreply 528March 29, 2023 2:00 AM

Btw conservative Christian sites are 1. Talking about this as a hate crime. And referring to the victims as Christian martyrs.

by Anonymousreply 529March 29, 2023 2:01 AM

A day of "Retribution"? "Creating my own Reality"?

Sounds great.

by Anonymousreply 530March 29, 2023 2:03 AM

Of course they would R529. Eventually the hate-crime field will be widened and they will say all LGBT people are exactly the same as Hale. Christians can dish it out but they can't take it.

by Anonymousreply 531March 29, 2023 2:03 AM

They should know since they’ve martyred members of every religion and/or race on the planet.

by Anonymousreply 532March 29, 2023 2:04 AM

R530 wasn't finished. It was supposed to have been signed: "Your favorite president" because it sounds just like him.

by Anonymousreply 533March 29, 2023 2:04 AM

It is a hate crime though.

by Anonymousreply 534March 29, 2023 2:05 AM

She was only sometimes trans, she often refers to herself as Audrey, and other times as Aiden. Thus why the media isn't calling this a trans man. What we absolutely know that she was, is a psychotic kid killer.

by Anonymousreply 535March 29, 2023 2:06 AM

Look, there's no mystery here. This is a 28 year old still living at home, who was allegedly diagnosed with autism and there's talk of a supposed personality disorder as well. This person's "art" is the kind of deeply immature and fixated material that defines her type; stuck in a permanent childhood that's encouraged by likeminded others online in their deeply immature, autism riven digital communities. This person sought answers to her autism and social awkwardness and loneliness through the false promise and pseudoscience of transgenderism. It didn't give her the release from her problems she needed. The sex life she was promised by lying ideologues didn't happen because most people are attracted to sex and not gender, and the resentment and alienation only built. The online trans ecosystem is riven with intensely violent rhetoric that encourages killing people who don't affirm trans identity. She fell for this and people were killed.

by Anonymousreply 536March 29, 2023 2:06 AM

Yes, r527, that was my point.

by Anonymousreply 537March 29, 2023 2:06 AM

So we our going to kill the perp a second time for the hate crime.

by Anonymousreply 538March 29, 2023 2:06 AM

Yes, it is a hate crime. This poor deluded person hated themself.

by Anonymousreply 539March 29, 2023 2:07 AM

I know R537. The thing worth pointing out is that it's 100% working.

by Anonymousreply 540March 29, 2023 2:08 AM

I want to wear this…ironically


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by Anonymousreply 541March 29, 2023 2:10 AM

R536, that was so well put. (And I agree with everything you wrote)

by Anonymousreply 543March 29, 2023 2:14 AM

r332, They knew she had one gun and after her emotional problems diagnosis she sold it. They didn't know she was hiding others. I mean would you go into your 28 year old's room.

by Anonymousreply 544March 29, 2023 2:15 AM

R431 It’s not false. Cause according to the article, a man who kills his wife and kids is labeled a “mass killing”.

We’re talking about Columbine Massacre terrorism and that’s predominantly white male men.

You’re integrating domestic murder and gang violence, which are two separate issues.

The people who are going into schools and public places with the mission to murder as many people as possible are typically white male.

by Anonymousreply 545March 29, 2023 2:15 AM

R544, under the situation you describe, yes, I would on occasion.

by Anonymousreply 546March 29, 2023 2:17 AM

someone finally did something against the christian talibans, who hv always voted against hate crimes bills r suddenly crying hate crime

by Anonymousreply 547March 29, 2023 2:19 AM

Every time something about trans people come up I've got another 10 transphobic fuckwits to block.




This place is becoming one giant raving psych ward.

by Anonymousreply 548March 29, 2023 2:24 AM

r536, I don't agree. I think some of that was accurate. The person wasn't happy after transition as problems did not go away. She was suicidal. This year Tennessee has passed a lot of legislature against trans youth. This was that one thing that pushed them over the edge. Perhaps if as a youth there was more care available Audrey/Aiden wouldn't be at the place they were currently.

The shooter knew no one would care if another deluded transperson killed themselves so they got guns and figure by taking children's lives they would care.

I do believe this is about guns access, this is about mental health and this is about gender identity. All of it. All of it needs to be discussed.

by Anonymousreply 549March 29, 2023 2:32 AM

[quote]She was only sometimes trans, she often refers to herself as Audrey, and other times as Aiden. Thus why the media isn't calling this a trans man.

Sounds like a he/him lesbian who uses gender-nonconforming pronouns to describe her butchness/masculinity, but doesn’t actually consider herself male.

by Anonymousreply 550March 29, 2023 2:32 AM

We're around 50 posts away from 600 and already having problems loading this thread.

Let's try to fill this up - but if you're absolutely unable to post here, go to Part 3 on the link:

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by Anonymousreply 551March 29, 2023 2:34 AM

I stopped at FOX news and they are proclaiming that the only way to stop mass murders at schools is to have armed guards at every school.

And everyone needs a gun in the house for protection.....

"Criminals don't care about gun laws" one guy said.

They don't accept that if we had tougher gun laws - it would be more difficult for everyone - even stupid criminals - to GET a gun.

by Anonymousreply 552March 29, 2023 2:40 AM

I'm not usually a fan of cops, but those guys really ran right in there.

(And a few of them are bordering on obese, so I know huffing up those stairs was hard.)

by Anonymousreply 556March 29, 2023 2:45 AM

You're very welcome, R554.

by Anonymousreply 557March 29, 2023 2:48 AM

R535 I’m trans and unaware of violence perpetuated as part of this “condition.” Transgender people are normally victims of violence not the perpetrators.

Is this violence only associated with online communities?

by Anonymousreply 558March 29, 2023 2:59 AM

R387, I suspect a significant amount of butch lesbians and ftm trans fit this description. They are still very dangerous.

by Anonymousreply 559March 29, 2023 2:59 AM

Does it really matter if this person was trans or not? All we need to know is that anyone who does this kind of thing is crazy and evil.

by Anonymousreply 560March 29, 2023 3:03 AM

R556, that was very impressive, and they deserve a lot of praise.

All school shooters are disturbed, and there's little that can be done about that aspect of the problem, because there are virtually no public resources for mental health. We don't properly fund our basic health care system, how are we going to deal with mental health problems?

The quicker, more effective fix is to regulate gun ownership.

by Anonymousreply 561March 29, 2023 3:03 AM

[Quote]someone finally did something against the christian talibans, who hv always voted against hate crimes bills r suddenly crying hate crime

who's calling it a 'hate crime'?

by Anonymousreply 562March 29, 2023 3:12 AM

R552 I wish that were true, but since 1899 production figures show that more than 465 million guns have been made in the US. Surprisingly or not - they're heavily outgunned - law enforcement agencies in the US are estimated to have about 1 million guns. Guns last a long time if properly maintained and cared for, but doubtless some of those made are now unusable. It's estimated that during that same period about 110 million guns became inoperable or have been destroyed, with 355 million left in serviceable condition. That's more than one gun for every man, woman, and child in the United States today. In addition, the US has exported more than 25 million guns since WW2. Prohibiting both the production and sale of new weapons would do nothing to eliminate those guns already in circulation.

Gun owners, I'm told - by gun owners - sell weapons under the table directly or at gun shows and then report them to police as stolen so that when and if they're used to commit a crime, they're covered. The police know it's being done but can't prove it in almost every case.

Even if you stopped production of every gun made in the United States tomorrow, people would find ways to get them and criminals and the mentally ill would use them. Abortions took place long before Roe vs. Wade legalized them in 1973. Prohibition didn't stop the production and sale of liquor in the 1920's. The war on drugs since the 70's hasn't done much to stop over 100,000 Fentanyl deaths annually in the US. If the US stopped making guns, they'd come here from other countries.

I wish it weren't true, but it is. Unless you can find a way to get those existing guns out of circulation you'll still have a huge problem.

by Anonymousreply 563March 29, 2023 3:13 AM

R559 “A staggering 98% of these crimes have been committed by men, according to The Violence Project, a nonpartisan research group that tracks U.S. mass shooting data dating back to 1966.”

Clue: Not butch lesbians and not female at birth.

I know who is dangerous.

by Anonymousreply 564March 29, 2023 3:13 AM

We need more regulations on guns, but even more on assault weapons. Of course, they can't be completely banned. But why can't we just compromise on putting a few more speed bumps to prevent things like this from happening. Whoever looked at this person in the face and agreed to give them an assault rifle needs to lose the right to sell!

by Anonymousreply 567March 29, 2023 3:17 AM

[Quote]someone finally did something against the christian talibans, who hv always voted against hate crimes bills r suddenly crying hate crime


R565 is R538 a 'christian taliban'?

by Anonymousreply 568March 29, 2023 3:17 AM

"Pretending that there’s a trans murder epidemic, when incidents are isolated and largely confined to prostitution, is unhelpful and even dangerous."

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by Anonymousreply 570March 29, 2023 3:20 AM

The kids' toys, child's bike and assorted juvenalia seen in the house photos is so emblematic of the extreme arrested development and immaturity of many of the shooter's generation. That's a problem which seems to be particularly magnified in FTM and autistic spaces, judging by what they habitually post and display online. This shooter was 28 and she had dolls in her window.

by Anonymousreply 574March 29, 2023 3:30 AM

Do we have any news on the legitimate manifesto? I can't find anything.

by Anonymousreply 575March 29, 2023 3:45 AM

[quote]The person wasn't happy after transition as problems did not go away. She was suicidal.

Exactly what the gender ideologues tell us will not happen. Of course they will attack people for making the logical conclusion that transitioning doesn't prevent suicide.

It's so ironic this kind of thinking is just like the Rethugs who attack people for making the logical conclusion that strict gun laws prevent school shootings.

by Anonymousreply 576March 29, 2023 3:50 AM

R568- according to their statements, yes they r the christian talibans

by Anonymousreply 577March 29, 2023 3:51 AM

can't wait to see what's in the manifesto

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by Anonymousreply 578March 29, 2023 4:11 AM

why R578 it will be a bunch of excuses about why she had to shoot up little kids. Nothing she says should make any difference and it will give credence to all the other trannies looking to say she had good reason.

by Anonymousreply 579March 29, 2023 4:40 AM

R579 I know that I shouldn't want to see it, but I'm curious.

by Anonymousreply 580March 29, 2023 4:52 AM

I want to know if there's anything there about the supposed sexual abuse at that school, R579. And if so, I hope she named names, so these characters can be investigated and kept away from the little children of today.

by Anonymousreply 581March 29, 2023 4:52 AM

R581 That would add an entire new layer to this tragedy.

Like Dan Savage has stated for 15 years: If kids got raped by clowns as often as they're raped by clergy, it would be illegal to take your kids to the circus.

by Anonymousreply 582March 29, 2023 4:57 AM

It's all very convenient that a supposedly "sympathetic" motive for the murders ("she was molested") has been very quickly constructed with ZERO EVIDENCE.

by Anonymousreply 583March 29, 2023 5:03 AM

That's one of the reasons why I want to see what's in this manifesto, R583.

by Anonymousreply 584March 29, 2023 5:08 AM

Fuck this cunt’s “reasons” or “thoughts”. Having a possible rough start in life doesn’t excuse mass murder..

by Anonymousreply 585March 29, 2023 5:09 AM

No one is saying it does, R585.

by Anonymousreply 586March 29, 2023 5:13 AM

Did someone already start a part 3? It's about to be a wrap with this one.

by Anonymousreply 587March 29, 2023 5:36 AM

I am the poster that Asked Why would you want to but I am also just a little curious. I suspect that whatever she writes is childish like her art. It certainly will not be on the level of Ted Kaczynski. Now that was an interesting manifesto.

by Anonymousreply 589March 29, 2023 5:52 AM

So I'm a little confused. Reports say Audrey was a transgender man. Reports also say that Aidan identified as a gay man online, frequenting gay men's spaces and implying pretty heavily that he was a BIO gay man. Fucked up, but he's a "gay man".

Thing is, I just gave Audrey/Aidan's tumblr account a look through, and once you get past the all Marvel junk on the top, there's like, hundreds of highly sexualized images of women's body parts—tits, asses in thongs and short shorts, juicy lips, bellies, etc, and erotically and emotionally charged shot photos of hetero couples fucking, cuddling, and doing other intimate, coupley things. I think there are one or two girl-on-girl images. These are interspersed with quotes about depression, suicide, and heartbreak. This just does NOT read like the tumblr of a gay man. This reads like the tumblr of a heartbroken, very hetero (or possibly bisexual or bi-curious?) young woman. And a pretty girly one at that. And these aren't far back either...they're 2021.

by Anonymousreply 590March 29, 2023 5:53 AM

If that Reddit account was really hers she is articulate.

by Anonymousreply 591March 29, 2023 5:54 AM

The cops went in without hesitation. Just like the Pulse Nightclub

by Anonymousreply 592March 29, 2023 6:08 AM

Funny how self-ID is absolutely real when transpeople want to get into female or gay spaces, but suddenly isn't valid when one is a school shooter.

by Anonymousreply 593March 29, 2023 6:09 AM

Wasn’t there a study showing 28% of mass killers are suspected to be on the autism spectrum? There’s also a high correlation between autism and gender-nonconformity, which has led many of them into the trans pipeline. Color me shocked that only a few out of hundreds of mass killers have identified as trans.

by Anonymousreply 594March 29, 2023 6:16 AM

[quote] The cops went in without hesitation

If only they had sent in the Social Workers first

by Anonymousreply 595March 29, 2023 6:18 AM

The mass transing of autistic people (especially autistic females) is only a large-scale phenomenon of the last 5 or so years. We can expect many more trans killers.

by Anonymousreply 596March 29, 2023 6:19 AM

Yes R596 in one of the articles it said she was taking testosterone. And it said testosterone can cause higher criminality in women.

by Anonymousreply 597March 29, 2023 6:23 AM

Yeah it's one of the problems for people who believe in the social construction of sex roles, that testosterone absolute does cause violent behaviour.

by Anonymousreply 598March 29, 2023 6:26 AM

All right. Here's the link to Part 3 of this thread:

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by Anonymousreply 599March 29, 2023 6:30 AM
