Oat Milk vs. Almond Milk: Which One to Choose?

May 2024 · 9 minute read

Plant-based milk is a popular item at grocery stores and coffee shops. People with food allergies, those who are lactose intolerant, or individuals who follow vegan diets enjoy the variety, but which is better for your health? Compare oat milk vs. almond milk to understand the pros and cons of both options and know which one would better support your health goals.

Almond Milk Pros and Cons

Almond milk nutrition is no different than any other food. It has pros and cons because no food is solely good or bad. These are the most pressing factors you should consider before your next trip to the grocery aisle.

Almond Milk Pros

Almond Milk Cons

Oat Milk Pros and Cons

If you’re curious about trying oat milk, read about these factors that could influence your diet. It’s important to know any food’s potential positive and negative effects before relying on it for meals, snacks, or beverages.

Oat Milk Pros

Oat Milk Cons

Buying Tips for Oat and Almond Milk

While deciding if almond or oat milk is healthier, you might also wonder if there are other ways to make your purchase more beneficial. These are a few tips you should keep in mind when considering your options:

Which One Is Better?

Flavor might be your first consideration when comparing oat milk vs. almond milk, but it’s not the only thing influencing your overall well-being. If you’re switching milk products to achieve any of these goals, check out the option that will best support your desired outcome:


The nutritional values of oat and almond milk can vary depending on the brand. Businesses have to make slightly different products. Otherwise, there would only be one company for each type of milk.

The slightly different production processes or oat and almond sources can lead to minor differences in each milk’s nutritional content. Here are the general nutrient guidelines for a 1-cup serving of almond milk and oat milk:4‍

Calories37 cal120 cal

The nutrition of oat milk and almond milk also depends on their production processes. Manufacturers must choose which type of oats or almonds they’ll grow. They also need to process their harvests with specific steps to add the fortified nutrient profiles that set their products apart for consumers.

Glycemic Index

Blood glucose monitoring is essential for maintaining your health as someone living with diabetes or an individual with weight loss goals. While things like your exercise routine and medications can affect your daily glucose range, your diet also directly impacts your blood sugar.

Almond milk has a glycemic index (GI) of 30, and oat milk has a GI of 69 due to its higher caloric content.15,16 The higher glycemic index of oat milk will cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels; however, each individual has different reactions to foods, so we recommend experimenting to see if oat milk or almond milk causes significant spikes for you. 

Vitamins and Minerals

While determining if almond or oat milk is better for you, you must consider the micronutrients (e.g., vitamins and minerals) available in each type of milk. Check out the specific nutrients in each type below before checking nutrition labels at your local grocery store. Below is the micronutrient content of 1 cup of oat milk and almond milk.4‍

Vitamin B-120.8ug1.2ug

Different brands will use varying ingredients and may fortify their blends with additional nutrients not normally available in oats or almonds. These companies may also add unwanted ingredients to the milk, such as added sugar, gums, and fillers, so checking the nutrition label before purchasing is crucial. Most plant milks also contain seed oils, like soybean oil and canola oil, to give the finished product a smooth, creamy texture. 

Learn More About Nutrition and Healthy Eating with Signos’ Expert Advice

Reading about oat milk vs. almond milk is the first step in making an educated decision in the dairy aisle. Once you know what nutrients each milk contains and their general effects on blood sugar levels, you can pick whichever one is better for your body. 

If you’re ready to learn more about the science of blood sugar and weight loss, Signos experts can answer your questions regarding all things glucose monitoring. You could also take a quiz to see if the Signos program is the best way to achieve your health goals. Whether you want to read free articles about all things nutrition or start your glucose-monitoring journey, Signos is here to help.



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