The Truth About Caitlyn Jenner's Children

May 2024 · 2 minute read

In a touching video for her YouTube channel, Caitlyn Jenner got daughter Kylie to do her makeup, and the pair discussed the importance of Caitlyn still being referred to as her children's dad. "Sometimes people get really confused when Kendall and I still call you dad ... I know we had a talk a few years ago, and you were okay with us still calling you dad. How do you feel about that now?" Kylie queried. 

"I feel it was one of the best decisions I made," Caitlyn explained. "Sometimes this community can be pretty tough, especially when it comes to pronouns, and everybody's got an opinion... Some people say, 'Oh, you're the mother.' No, no I'm not. I'm the dad, I've been the dad the whole way, I will be their father until the day they die or I die." Jenner also mentions that her daughters always say, "my dad, she...", which illustrates that being a father is a role, as opposed to a pronoun.

When discussing Caitlyn's coming out with WWD, Kendall Jenner had similar feelings toward the importance of still referring to her as "dad." "It would probably be different for someone who didn't have to live it through the media," she stated, adding, "But I've known since I was a kid. ... My dad is my dad ... she lets me call her dad — that's the last little piece of dad I've got."
