Who is Ziggy Marleys son Isaiah Sion Robert Nesta Marley? Bio, age, birthday, mom, pictures

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Despite the fact that he is the son of the renowned reggae artist Bob Marley, Ziggy Marley has made a name for himself as one of the best musicians in the genre.

Ziggy Marley was the moniker given to David Nesta Marley on October 17, 1968, in Kingston, Jamaica. Ziggy Marley, the eldest child of renowned reggae artist Bob Marley, has continued his family’s involvement in the music business and made a name for himself in it.

Ziggy and his siblings started the Melody Makers after their dad passed away. Their 1988 Grammy-winning record Conscious Party contributed to the band’s rise to mainstream acceptance. After beginning his solo career in 2006, Marley also produced a number of other Grammy Award-winning records in addition to his self-titled studio album from 2016.

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Isaiah Sion Robert Nesta Marley Bio

David Nesta Marley and Orly Agai welcomed Isaiah Marley into the world on March 14, 2016, in Beverly Hills, California, in the United States.

Isaiah Sion Robert Nesta Marley’s age and birthday

Isaiah Marley turned six years old despite being born on March 14, 2016.

Isaiah Sion Robert Nesta Marley’s mom

Orly Agai is Isaiah Marley’s mother. On October 1, 1970, Orly Agai, who is now 52 years old, was born in Israel’s Kefar Sava.

Isaiah Sion Robert Nesta Marley pictures


