John Latino, Co

May 2024 · 8 minute read

Chicago’s culinary scene mourns the sudden loss of John Latino, the visionary co-founder of the iconic Bongo Room Restaurant.

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Known for his innovative approach to food and his unwavering commitment to excellence, Latino’s passing has left a void in the hearts of many. From humble beginnings at Kendall College, he transformed his dream of becoming a chef into a reality when he opened the doors of the Bongo Room in 1993.

The news of Latino’s death has sent shockwaves through the community, as friends, colleagues, and loyal patrons come together to remember his remarkable contributions. As we reflect on his legacy, we honor his dedication to creating unique dining experiences that have become a beloved staple of Chicago’s culinary landscape.

During this difficult time, our thoughts and condolences go out to John Latino’s family, friends, and the entire Bongo Room team. Let us celebrate his enduring influence and the indelible mark he has left on the city he loved.

Sudden Passing of John Latino

It is with great sadness that we announce the unexpected passing of John Latino, a beloved resident of Chicago, Illinois, and the co-founder of the renowned Bongo Room Restaurant. John’s untimely departure has left a void in the culinary world and in the hearts of those who knew him.


John Latino’s passing has left a profound impact on the community, as he was not only a talented chef but also a visionary who transformed the Chicago dining scene. His dedication to his craft and his commitment to creating unforgettable dining experiences will be sorely missed.

John Latino’s Culinary Prowess

John Latino was a culinary genius, known for his exceptional skills and innovative approach to cooking. His passion for food was evident in every dish he created, and his ability to blend flavors and textures was unparalleled. Latino’s culinary prowess extended beyond the kitchen, as he constantly pushed the boundaries of traditional cuisine, introducing unique and exciting flavors to his patrons.

Co-founder of Bongo Room Restaurant

Together with his business partner Derrick Robles, John Latino co-founded the iconic Bongo Room Restaurant, which quickly became a beloved institution in Chicago. The restaurant’s success can be attributed to Latino’s creative vision and unwavering commitment to excellence. Under his leadership, the Bongo Room became a go-to destination for food enthusiasts, offering a diverse menu that showcased Latino’s culinary expertise.

John Latino’s legacy will forever be etched in the history of Chicago’s dining scene. His contributions to the culinary world will continue to inspire aspiring chefs and food lovers alike. Our thoughts and condolences go out to John Latino’s family, friends, and the entire Bongo Room team during this difficult time.

Legacy of John Latino

The passing of John Latino has left a lasting legacy that extends far beyond his time with us. His impact on the culinary world and the Chicago dining scene will be remembered for years to come. Latino’s passion for food, dedication to creating unique dining experiences, and enduring influence have left an indelible mark on the industry.

Passion for Food and Unique Dining Experiences

John Latino’s love for food was evident in every dish he crafted. His culinary journey began at Kendall College in Chicago, where he honed his skills and nurtured his dream of becoming a chef. Latino’s commitment to excellence and his innovative approach to cooking resulted in the establishment of the Bongo Room in 1993. At the Bongo Room, he created a dining experience like no other, combining flavors, textures, and presentation in ways that delighted and surprised his patrons. His passion for food was contagious, and it resonated with everyone who had the pleasure of dining at his restaurant.

Enduring Influence on Chicago’s Dining Scene

John Latino’s influence on Chicago’s dining scene cannot be overstated. Through his dedication to culinary excellence, he elevated the city’s gastronomic landscape to new heights. The Bongo Room, under his leadership, became a beloved staple, attracting locals and visitors alike. Latino’s innovative vision and commitment to pushing the boundaries of traditional cuisine inspired a new generation of chefs and restaurateurs. His legacy lives on in the countless culinary establishments that continue to draw inspiration from his creativity and passion.

John Latino’s passing is a great loss, but his impact will continue to be celebrated. His contributions to the culinary world and his enduring influence on Chicago’s dining scene will forever be remembered. Our thoughts and sympathies go out to John Latino’s family, friends, and the entire Bongo Room team during this difficult time.

Condolences and Fond Memories

The news of John Latino’s passing has deeply saddened the community, and an outpouring of condolences and fond memories has flooded in. People from all walks of life have come together to express their grief and share stories of the impact Latino had on their lives. It is a testament to his character and the mark he left on those who had the pleasure of knowing him.

Community’s Reaction to the News

The community’s response to the news of John Latino’s passing has been overwhelming. People have taken to social media, local news outlets, and community gatherings to express their shock and sadness. Many have shared personal anecdotes about their interactions with Latino, highlighting his warmth, generosity, and passion for his craft. The community has come together to support one another during this difficult time, united in their shared loss.

Celebrating Latino’s Commitment to Culinary Excellence

John Latino’s commitment to culinary excellence was unwavering, and it is important to celebrate the impact he had on the culinary world. His dedication to his craft and his relentless pursuit of perfection set him apart as a true culinary visionary. Latino’s innovative approach to cooking and his ability to create unique dining experiences will forever be remembered. As we mourn his loss, let us also celebrate the legacy he leaves behind and the inspiration he has provided to aspiring chefs and food enthusiasts.

John Latino’s passing is a profound loss, but his memory will live on through the countless lives he touched. Our thoughts and condolences go out to John Latino’s family, friends, and the entire Bongo Room team during this difficult time.

Sympathies to Latino’s Family and Bongo Room Team

During this time of immense grief, our deepest sympathies go out to John Latino’s family, friends, and the entire Bongo Room team. The loss of a loved one is never easy, and we can only imagine the pain and sorrow they are experiencing. Our hearts are with them as they navigate through this difficult period.

For Latino’s family, we extend our condolences and offer our support in any way we can. Losing a family member is a profound loss, and we hope that they find solace in the memories they shared with John. May they find strength and comfort in the love and support of their community during this challenging time.

To the Bongo Room team, we understand that John Latino’s passing has left a void that cannot be filled. He was not only a co-founder but also a mentor and a friend. We recognize the impact he had on the restaurant and the close-knit family that was formed within its walls. We stand with the Bongo Room team as they mourn the loss of their esteemed colleague and continue to carry on his legacy.

John Latino’s spirit will forever be present in the Bongo Room, and his memory will continue to inspire and guide those who work there. We hope that the team finds strength in their shared memories and the knowledge that they were a part of something truly special under Latino’s leadership.

During this difficult time, let us come together to support John Latino’s family and the Bongo Room team. May they find comfort in the love and support of their community, and may John’s legacy continue to shine brightly through the restaurant he helped create.

We are deeply saddened to announce the sudden passing of John Latino, co-founder of the renowned Bongo Room Restaurant in Chicago. John was a culinary genius and visionary, who, along with his business partner Derrick Robles, transformed the Bongo Room into a beloved institution in the city’s dining scene. Latino’s journey in the culinary world began at Kendall College, where he honed his skills and nurtured his dream of becoming a chef. The news of his death has sent shockwaves through the community, with many expressing their condolences and sharing cherished memories of the esteemed restaurateur. As we mourn this significant loss, let us remember the lasting legacy Latino leaves behind. His commitment to culinary excellence and his profound impact on Chicago’s dining landscape will be forever celebrated. Our heartfelt sympathies go out to John Latino’s family, friends, and the entire Bongo Room team during this difficult time.

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