Where Was The Hobbit Filmed?

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Did they film “The Hobbit” in New Zealand?

Who can forget all of the buzz that surrounded “The Lord Of The Rings” being filmed in New Zealand? Fans flocking to see their favorite locations even got a name of its own – Tolkien tourism. Of course, people expected that “The Hobbit” trilogy would be filmed in New Zealand. But sometimes, the nature of filmmaking means having to adapt and change.

One thing that Warner Brothers and Peter Jackson had to face when trying to begin production on “The Hobbit” was a labor dispute after the New Zealand Actors Equity rejected initial contracts. Thankfully, terms of agreement were reached and new laws were passed to protect the rights of working actors in New Zealand.

Prime Minister John Key expressed his delight to have reached a compromise in an article with the BBC. “Making the two Hobbit movies here will not only safeguard work for thousands of New Zealanders, but it will also follow the success of the Lord Of The Rings trilogy in once again promoting New Zealand on the world stage.”

Now that we know that the production was able to return to New Zealand we can continue answering the question: where was “The Hobbit” filmed?

Where did they film the shire in “The Hobbit”?

Who can forget the starting place for both Bilbo and Frodo Baggins’ journeys, The Shire? The rolling green hills with winding paths and adorable houses set into the hillsides are picturesque and ideal. No wonder why fans would be so eager to visit. Who hasn’t among us daydreamed of taking a stroll through the hills and later enjoying a drink at the Green Dragon Inn, all the while wondering, where was “The Hobbit” filmed?

According to NewZealand.com, the production returned to the same location as the first trilogy and shot at The Hobbiton Movie Set. Fans will also be happy to know that you can still book trips to Hobbiton and see Bag’s End for yourself. It’s just one of the many stops you should take on your Tolkien tour of New Zealand.

Where did they film Lake-town From “The Hobbit”?

Another prominent location from “The Hobbit” trilogy is, of course, Lake-town, a bustling town with a bit of an underbelly that is located at the base of the Lonely Mountain. The town is probably most notably known for being the victim of the dragon Smaug who is awoken during the events of the films.

Top Movie Locations says that you can find that in Lake Pukaki, near Twizel. They also say this was the location of the warg chase from the first movie and the fight at Pelennor Fields from “The Return Of The King”. Speaking of the Lonely Mountains, Top Movie Locations also says that you can find the paths that Bilbo and the dwarves take up in the South Island town of Queenstown.

As for the mountains themselves, those are actually a set of mountains in New Zealand called The Remarkables, according to Atlas of Wonders. Overlooking Queenstown, the mountain ranges look like something straight out of Middle Earth. So it’s not hard to see why Peter Jackson went back to them for filming “The Hobbit”.

Where did they film the river scene in “The Hobbit”?

Possibly one of the most memorable scenes from the trilogy is where the dwarves and Bilbo are escaping the elven king in barrels, flying down the river, and dodging elves along the way. The Culture Trip says that if you want to see this river for yourself, head to Pelorus River in Marlborough. They say this is one of the easier places to reach, and there are plenty of wineries around, so it’s well worth your time.

There are so many more scenes and places that we know and love when we think of Bilbo and his journey, it is easy to see why so many people ask the question: where was “The Hobbit” filmed? New Zealand still relies on the many passionate fans of the series who visit every year and see the wonder of Middle Earth. While it didn’t garner as much award buzz as “The Lord Of The Rings”, much to the dismay of Hobbit-heads, it still lives on in the hearts of fans.

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