How do you wash a large Kong dog bed?

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Cleaning Instructions for a Kong Chew-Resistant Dog Bed Remove the nylon cover from the bed. Take the cover outside and shake it firmly to remove hair, dirt and debris buildup. Select the appropriate settings on your washing machine. Use hot water and a mild soap to kill odors and insect eggs. Set for a gentle wash. Click to see full answer. In this way, can Kong dog beds be washed?Cleaning Instructions for a Kong Chew Resistant Dog Bed. This helps remove dirt, debris and hair from the bed before you run it through the wash. Unzip the nylon outer cover and remove it from the bed. Wash the nylon cover in your washing machine with cold water.Likewise, can you wash memory foam dog bed? You can use a machine for washing the cover and foam of the dog bed. Use cold water in the machine and mix it with detergent and then add the cover and foam of your dog bed. Use slow speeds so that the cover and foam could remain safe from wear and tear in the process of cleaning and washing in the machine. In this way, how often should you wash your dogs bed? The general consensus is that your dogs’ bed should be washed once a week and twice a week if any of the factors above are present. Use your common sense, if your dogs bed smells then wash it.Can dog beds go in the dryer?If your dog bed is too large to be washed in a washing machine, you can hand wash it in a bathtub using hot water and pet-safe detergent. You can dry your dog bed and cover in your dryer. Tumble dry for about 20 minutes and air fluff the dog bed with a pet-safe dryer sheet to reduce static.
